What a beautiful weekend! It is funny how we often say how hot it is the first few days it hits 80 degrees. But we all know, the real heat will be here soon. We all adjust and make it work.
This weekend was full of many games for the Brooks. We lucked out and the games were back to back. The good news is that we could see the games of all of our three kids. The bad news is that Saturday was 11:30-6:30 and Sunday 11am-5pm. Truthfully, it is not bad news at all. We love it! And I know that all of you can relate. This is a season in life that often feels tough, but man, we will miss it when it is gone.

St. Jude's Children's Hospitals Fundraiser is coming up!
Stoneridge Student Leadership Club, the "LEADERS of the P.A.C.K.," invite Stoneridge families to help us reach our goal of raising $3,500 for St. Jude’s Childrens’ Hospitals, which help to cure all types of childhood cancer.
Money that our school raises will help ensure that no family ever pays for anything at St. Jude’s. Our donations will help save lives!
Between April 20-May 18, children and adults can bring change or bills to their teacher for our collection buckets.
We will also have an amazing crafts booth at the school carnival on May 12, stocked with fun and functional items handmade by us!
All profits will go to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospitals. Please donate, and while at the carnival, buy some fun and fashionable items! Every penny counts!
April Meeting Notes:By a unanimous 2022-23 Board Member vote, the following 2023/24 New Board was voted in on Thursday. We will continue to search for VP of Events & VP of Fundraising and are excited to provide you another list of Board Positions & Chair Leads/Positions with descriptions and time commitments like the teachers requested in a PDF attached here. Thank you SO much for promoting this ASAP and as positions get filled, I'll narrow the list down with the volunteer names and positions still needed. The goal is to keep promoting unfilled positions to get people in place for Janine, David, and Stefanie before the end of the school year and so the current board can cross train and get them all set up. The current board also offered to help over the summer with them and the new Principal to make this transition the best we can. With all that said, another CONGRATULATIONS Janine, David & Stefanie!
For the May meeting we'll have their Bio's and a PDF for the teachers to send to parents introducing the new board and other chair leads too!

New PTC Board is looking to recruit volunteers for events and positions now before next year. Thank you for taking a look at all the fun, cool things a parent(s) can do with minimal time. Please send forms back to teachers or email your interest/form to stoneridgeptc1@gmail.com.
Lunch Help: May is just around the corner. We love your help at lunch and appreciate how many of you have been willing to help. Sign up here for May: May Lunch HelpApril help is in one of the tabs at the top of the blog. You can always add your name or even just show up! If you come to Stoneridge at 11:20, we will always find a place for you to help. Thank you!
School Supplies: Purchase your school supplies now! Simply click on your child's grade level next year and purchase a supply pack. It will be delivered to the school and we will get it where it needs to be. No need to hassle with crowds or stores. You will find they are reasonably priced too!
Carnival is around the corner! The Stoneridge Shop has everything you need to know for Carnival. One option is a Meal Deal (includes a T-shirt, while supplies last), Meal Purchases only, Wristband Purchases to access all games/bounce houses.
Fifth Grade Yard Signs - On Sale Now!
Teacher Appreciation is Coming!!
Here are the Teacher's Favorite Lists:
Crosswalk/Parking Lot Help: One of the things the teachers appreciate most is help covering their parking lot duty. Please sign up here to help during Teacher Appreciation Week.
A-Z Countdown: The Countdown to the end of school is almost here.
I cannot believe it! Here are the dress up days and activities starting May 1.
May Events:

Have a great week!