Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sunday, September 27

 Hello Stoneridge Families! 

October arrives this week.  I don't know about you, but I thought September was a quick month!! 

Update regarding Hybrid/Champions:
I want to let you know we are currently working on creating our AM/PM groups. It will take some time, but we will keep you updated along the way. I am sharing the recent communication from the district to help answer any questions you may have.

PTC Events:
As I mention in my Friday video, we have some PTC Events/Activities coming up. 

Family Movie Night In: Available now.
$20 will get you candy, popcorn and a code for a free movie through RedBox. If you take a picture of your family enjoying the movie and tag #StoneridgeStrong on social media, you will be entered into a raffle. 
Pick one up at material pick any Friday from 8-1pm. 

Comedy Night:
Super Exciting News!!! I think we could all use a good laugh right now! We have partnered with Pink Martini for a comedy night for ONLY Stoneridge parents and staff. These events sell out fast, so get your ticket now! $200 per table, $50 per person, or you can sponsor a couch in VIP seating for $500 that seats 8-10 people. A portion of the proceeds will go to Stoneridge!

Tickets for the comedy event and the Movie Night In package are available at
You will currently find them under Youth Spirit Wear. 

Dine Out Events:
We have two dine out events in October. Remember, Dine Out events are an easy way to feed your family while supporting Stoneridge at the same time. 
October 7th: Dinner is covered at the Chipotle on the corner of Douglas and Sierra. 
October 12th: Get a sweet treat at Big Spoon Yogurt at the Fountains! Mention both Stoneridge and your teacher!! 


The Stoneridge Library is open for indoor access.

Library hours will be Tues, Wed, Thurs, 8:30-2:30. 

Library Information:

  • Browse and check out books. (please limit your time inside so everyone has a chance to enjoy)

  • Tables and chairs will be closed.

  • High touch areas will be regularly sanitized.

  • Returned library books will be quarantined for no less than 3 days to minimize potential spread.

  • Customers are required to wear face coverings per the guidance from the California dept. of Public Health.

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided before entry.

  • Enter thru the front office.

  • Adults must bring their I.D. The office staff will check you into our Raptor Security System.

If you have any questions or need help locating a specific book, please email Mrs. Caines at

Timberwolf TV: Remember to send shout outs to me by Thursday each week and the challenge theme this week is a Cooking Challenge! Can't wait to see all of the cooks we have! 
Thank you for taking the time to send both shout outs and challenges!! We greatly appreciate your support and positive messages.

Have a great week! And, as always, reach out with questions! 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday, September 20

 Happy Sunday Stoneridge Families! 

I don't know about you, but I am excited about the arrival of fall. I look forward to cooler temperatures and hopefully a lot of rain as we roll into winter. 

We have some exciting news! Our library is going to have some open hours starting this week! Keep reading for details! 

Exciting News:

Stoneridge Library will be opening for indoor access starting Tuesday, September 22nd. Library hours will be Tues, Wed, Thurs, 8:30-2:30. 

Library Information:

  • Browse and check out books. (please limit your time inside so everyone has a chance to enjoy)

  • Tables and chairs will be closed.

  • High touch areas will be regularly sanitized.

  • Returned library books will be quarantined for no less than 3 days to minimize potential spread.

  • Customers are required to wear face coverings per the guidance from the California dept. of Public Health.

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided before entry.

  • Enter thru the front office.

  • Adults must bring their I.D. The office staff will check you into our Raptor Security System.

If you have any questions or need help locating a specific book, please email Mrs. Caines at


REMINDER: The last day to purchase insurance for borrowed devices is Friday, September 25th. Click here to purchase the insurance: School Device Coverage

As always, reach out with questions and thank you for your support! 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sunday, September 13

Happy Sunday!

We have some pretty excited kids in my house. They were literally counting the hours until kick off this morning. I was asked to make football potatoes and they let me know they would be on the couch, if I needed them. It is fun to have a bit of a distraction. 

Speaking of a great distraction and fun, Sami Circuit is offering Live Events.

Please watch this video for more information and then sign on Wednesday, September 16 from 6-7pm. 

Sami Circuit Introduction

IMPORTANT: Parent survey coming to your inbox this week. Please look for the parent survey emailed to you from the district. This is your opportunity to choose Distance Learning or Hybrid. If you do not fill out the survey, it will default to Hybrid. 

REMINDER: Toto and Mrs. Brooks are making monthly birthday visits! Our first visits will be this week! We cannot wait! They are available here:

Have a great week! 

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sunday, September 6

 Happy Three Day Weekend! 

I hope you were able to find some time to relax this weekend. 

Reminder: Tuesday, Sept. 8, is the first day of our new schedule where live instruction ends by 2pm each day. Your teacher will share the new schedule with you. The PE and music times were altered to accommodate this change. 

BIG NEWS! If you haven't heard, last year's yearbooks are here!! They are in the office. Many grade levels are having material pick ups on Friday, so that would be a great day to get them. I have to be honest, looking through the yearbook brought a tears to my eyes. I sure miss seeing the kids' smiling faces everyday. 

IMPORTANT: Be on the look out for a parent survey from the school district. You will have the opportunity to choose to remain in a distance learning model or move to a hybrid model with in-person instruction. Below is a piece of what was sent out by the district:

On Monday, September 14, you will receive a survey asking you to commit to one of two year-long programs:  a full-time, at home, distance learning model, or a hybrid model that includes a mix of in-person instruction and distance learning.  The hybrid model may transition into a traditional 5-day per week model during the 2020-21 school year.   

Technology Issues: If you are having technical difficulties with a district Chromebook or if it is not working properly, please fill out this form: RCSD Parent Technology Support

Mental Wellness: Remember, this is a tough time for ALL! Students have to attend school from home and parents have to adapt their own schedules to support their children. Know that it is ok to struggle and things are going to go wrong. Give yourself permission to make mistakes. We are all in this together. Please take advantage of this resource: Virtual Calming Room You will also find a link to request support. 

Lunch/Breakfast Available: Don’t forget about our nutritious and delicious meals! district is serving lunch/breakfast combo meal between 11:30 and 1:00 on a daily basis at the following sites: Cirby, Woodbridge, Buljan, Eich, and Crestmont.

If you would like to pick up multiple meals at one time, just ask the food services staff at the lunch site. 

Thank you for your continued support. We appreciate you!
