Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Winter Break Blog Post

A Look at the Weeks Ahead
1/9 and 1/10 No School
1/11 Students return, PTC meeting 3:30-4:30.  It will also be broadcast on the RCSD Stoneridge Facebook page for those that cannot make it to the PTC meeting.
1/12 Skate Night 6:00-8:00 p.m.
1/12 Order forms for Jewell Parker Rhodes books due
1/16 No School - Martin Luther King Day

Holiday Sing-a-long fun

We want to thank everyone for a great 2016!  We hope you have a great break with your family and get time to relax.  We are looking forward to another great year at Stoneridge in 2017!

Skate Night
The day after you get back to school we will be having our SKATE NIGHT on Thursday, January 11th from 6:00-8:00 pm at the Roller King!  Please click here for preorder form.

Jewell Parker Rhodes Book Order Form
Jewell Parker Rhodes is coming to our school on January 25th!  If you would like to order any of her books for her to sign please order by January 12th.
Book Order Forms

Book Drive
Jewell Parker Rhodes is an amazing person and is not asking for any money to come speak with our students.  Instead she is asking for us to donate books to a school that needs them.  If you have any gently used books that your child no longer reads please donate them by January 27th.  We will be donating the books to a local school in need.
Book Drive Flyer

72 new Chromebooks for our students this week

Canned Food Drive
Thank you to everyone that donated.  We will have a total amount when we are back from break.

There are still spots open for session #3 Minecraft.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.  You can register using this link:
The link is only open during open registration periods.
Minecraft Flyer

STAR Nova Rock Band
There are still spots for the Wednesday class Rockband class.  Please click below for more information or to register. Rock Band is open to any students in grades 1st-5th.

Mrs. Pointer's class is close to 3,000 books read this year!

If you would like your child (Grades 2nd - 5th) tested for the GATE program the Parent Permission Form (click here) must be turned in to the District Office by January 6th which is during our Winter Break.

Friday, December 16, 2016

12/18/16-12/21/16 Blog Post

A Look at the Weeks Ahead
12/21 Minimum Day 1:52 Dismissal
12/22-1/10 Winter Break
1/11 Students return, PTC meeting 3:30-4:30
1/12 Skate Night 6:00-8:00 p.m.
1/16 No School - Martin Luther King Day

Eich Choir, Drum Line, and Ballroom Dance performed for our students this week.
If you would like your child (Grades 2nd - 5th) tested for the GATE program the Parent Permission Form (click here) must be turned in to the District Office by January 6th which is during our Winter Break.

Registration for session #3 starts Monday, December 19th at 8pm.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.  You can register using this link:
The link is only open during open registration periods.
Minecraft Flyer

4th Grade PLTW learning about force.

Jewell Parker Rhodes Book Order Form
Jewell Parker Rhodes is coming to our school on January 25th!  If you would like to order any of her books for her to sign please order by January 12th.

Book Order Forms

2nd grade science docent lesson.  We love seeing all those meal worms.

Book Drive
Jewell Parker Rhodes is an amazing person and is not asking for any money to come speak with our students.  Instead she is asking for us to donate books to a school that needs them.  If you have any gently used books that your child no longer reads please donate them by January 27th.  We will be donating the books to a local school in need.
Book Drive Flyer

Author Jewell Parker Rhodes is coming to visit our school to discuss writing with our students on January 25th.

Canned Food Drive
Our Holiday Food Drive for the Placer Food Bank has been extended to Wednesday, December 21st!  Please bring in any canned goods or non-perishable donations by Wednesday - the class with the most donations will win a frozen yogurt party!

Girls On The Run registration opens Jan 23!
Stoneridge is very pleased to be able to offer another season of Girls on the Run. For a great short video on GOTR, go here: GOTR Video 

Girls on the Run is a place where girls learn what they can. No limits. No constraints. Only opportunities to be remarkable. Twice a week for 12 weeks, your girl will learn that her worth comes from within, that healthy relationships matter and that she can have an impact on the world around her. At the end of the season, she will be emotionally and physically prepared to complete a 5K event. 

Season begins Feb. 13 and ends with a 5K event on May 13.  All practices are on the Stoneridge campus.  Practices will be Mondays from 2:00-3:30pm and Wednesdays from 3:15-4:45pm

Scholarship applications are available NOW for families.

Online registration is available from January 23-February 17.  Registration and additional information:

For more information, feel free to contact Jen Hall, 831.345.5408 or

Friday, December 9, 2016

12/11/16-12/17/16 Blog Post

A Look at the Weeks Ahead
12/15 Eich Choir and Dance performing in the multi 10:10am-10:40am
12/21 Minimum Day 1:52 Dismissal
12/22-1/10 Winter Break
1/11 Students return
1/12  Skate Night 6:00-8:00 p.m.
1/16 No School - Martin Luther King Day

Hour of Code
This week was Hour of Code!  You can use the website below to have students do fun coding games.
Hour of Code Activities Website

Working on Hour of Code in the computer lab.

Crossing Guard
Beginning December 12th, a Crossing Guard will be stationed at Alexandra and Oak Crest Drive. Mr. Carlo will be the regular crossing guard but occasionally you will see a different guard substituting for him.  Thank you to the City of Roseville for helping us get a crossing guard in this area.
Be sure and say “Hi” to Mr. Carlo and welcome him to Stoneridge. He will be there rain or shine! Keep walking and biking to school!  Please see the flyer for more details.
Crossing Guard Flyer

3rd Grade Field Trip to iFly

The new volunteer process started on December 1st.  ALL volunteers must be fingerprinted and have TB clearance in order to volunteer in the classrooms and events or go on field trips.  This includes Science Docent, Art Docent, Daily 5, or any other classroom volunteer.  This process is in place for student safety.  If you have any questions please contact our office.
Volunteer I Application Form
Volunteer II Application form
TB Clearance Form

New wall decoration in the Art Room

Food Drive
Food drive is happening right now!  Thank you to those that have already donated.  Each class will participate in a contest to see who can raise the most food. The winning class will receive a frozen yogurt party. Donations will be collected from November 28 - December 19.  Please see the flyer below for more information.
Food Drive Donations Flyer

Holiday Grams
Tell your kids to come decorate a card with the Leadership Club and send it to a friend.  All you have to do is bring $1 to Room 30 on December 12, 13, 14, or 15 and all of the money goes to get a head-start on fundraising for Pennies for Patients that helps kids with leukemia.
-From the Leadership Students

2nd grade Science Docent Lesson this week.

Stoneridge Parent Information Night
January 19th we will have our annual Parent Information Night.  This night is geared more toward incoming TK and Kinder students or any new incoming students.  Anyone is welcome to come and hear more about our school and programs.

Inter/Intra District Transfers
If you are an Interdistrict transfer the window to reapply for the transfer starts on January 4th.  Any current TK student (who does not live in our attendance area) who wishes to remain at Stoneridge or  any 5th grade students going to Eich and are on a current intra/inter district transfer will need to apply.  The open enrollment period is Jan. 4 - Jan. 27th.  For more information or download the applications please visit the district webiste:

IB Program at Eich Middle School
A parent information night will be held on Monday, January 23rd on Eich's IB Program.  Please click here for more info:
Eich IB Program

Working on core exercises in PE

GATE Testing
Parent permission for GATE testing is now open.  Parents need to fill out the permission form by January 6th and turn it in at the district office.  Students in grades 2 and up are able to take the test.  The form below has all testing dates and times.  Testing will happen at the district office.
2017 GATE Registration Form

3rd Grade PLTW

Stoneridge yearbook is on sale now!  Right now the cost to reserve a yearbook is $25.00.  The price will go up after December 31st.  You can pick up additional order forms in the office or order online at:  and use Yearbook ID code: 12183817

PE News
Our PE teacher would like to remind all students to dress in layers!  The weather is getting colder and if it's not raining they will be outside - so have your child wear warmer clothing especially on PE days (hats, gloves, jackets).  Be sure to mark all clothing with your child's name.

Interesting Articles We Read
Math Apps and Games- Youcubed
Math Advice for Parents- Jo Boaler
Ways for Caregivers to Support Children's Writing- Two Writing Teachers
When Finnish Teachers Work in America- The Atlantic
Blueberries, How Schools and Businesses are Different- Jamie Vollmer

Friday, December 2, 2016

12/4/16-12/10/16 Blog Post

A Look at the Weeks Ahead
12/5 Citizenship Character Assembly, students wear Red, White & Blue 11:05-11:40.
12/6 Musical Parent Meeting, students in grades 3rd -5th, 6pm-7pm
12/8 Winter Performance 6:30pm-7pm, we will be streaming it on Facebook Live.
12/13 Musical Auditions after school
12/14 School Site Council (SSC) and English Learning Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting
12/15 Eich Choir and Dance performing in the multi 10:10am-10:40am
12/21 Minimum Day 1:52 Dismissal

Bucket Band practicing and getting ready for their performance on Thursday night!

Volunteer Fingerprinting & TB Clearance
The new volunteer process started on December 1st.  ALL volunteers must be fingerprinted and have TB clearance in order to volunteer in the classrooms and events or go on field trips.  A regular volunteer is considered a Category II volunteer.  Anyone that attends events like Character Assemblies or class parties must have a Category I Application.  This process is in place for student safety.  If you have any questions please contact our office.
Volunteer I Application Form
Volunteer II Application form
TB Clearance Form

Food Drive
Food drive is happening right now!  Thank you to those that have already donated.  Each class will participate in a contest to see who can raise the most food. The winning class will receive a frozen yogurt party. Donations will be collected from November 28 - December 19.  Please see the flyer below for more information.
Food Drive Donations Flyer

Working on clay in art this week.

Holiday Grams
Tell your kids to come decorate a card with the Leadership Club and send it to a friend.  All you have to do is bring $1 to Room 30 on December 12, 13, 14, or 15 and all of the money goes to get a head-start on fundraising for Pennies for Patients that helps kids with leukemia.
-From the Leadership Students

Custodian Mary retired this week.  Our staff wishes her a happy retirement!
IB Program at Eich Middle School
A parent information night will be held on Monday, January 23rd on Eich's IB Program.  Please click here for more info:
Eich IB Program

GATE Testing
Parent permission for GATE testing is now open.  Parents need to fill out the permission form by January 6th and turn it in at the district office.  Students in grades 2 and up are able to take the test.  The form below has all testing dates and times.  Testing will happen at the district office.
2017 GATE Registration Form

Stoneridge yearbook is on sale now!  Right now the cost to reserve a yearbook is $25.00.  The price will go up after December 31st.  You can pick up additional order forms in the office or order online at:  and use Yearbook ID code: 12183817

Interesting Articles We Read or Videos We Watched
How Finland Beats America in Education- Business Insider
Let the Playing Commence, A Tribute to Bev Bos- Community Playthings Blog
The Puzzle of Motivation- Daniel Pink TED Talk

Word work in first grade.