Monday, August 15, 2016

The First Week of School Updates 2016 Post

Welcome to the new school blog!  Every week (usually on Friday afternoon) this blog will be updated with information.  This will be used instead of the weekly bulletin we used to email out on Friday.  We will also include photos from the week.  At the bottom there will be interesting articles we have read.  Please do not feel like you have to read these, we just wanted to share some of the things we are reading.

When we can, we will also have students do a broadcast with the weekly update. It will be the same information that is written below, but it is a fun way for students to be involved with what is happening at school

Here is our first try at a student broadcast:

Back to School Night

Back to school night is August 16th.  If you are an Early start TK, Kinder, 1st or 2nd grade parent you come from 4:45-5:20.  If you are a Late start TK, 3rd, 4th or 5th grade parent you will come from 5:30-6:00.  Kids do come to this night as well.

First Day of School
August 18th is the first day of school. We can’t wait!

New green screen for student broadcasts.
First PTC Meeting
The first PTC meeting will be August 31st from 3:30-4:30 pm. Everyone is welcome! Childcare is provided.

Ice Cream Social
The ice cream social is on September 1st from 6-7.  This is a great community event with all the ice cream you can eat!

We will be moving away from projectors and more toward TVs with an Apple TV and sound bar.  This is actually a cheaper way to go than buying a projector and mounting it on the ceiling and provides better viewing for the student.

Meal Duty Supervisor
We are looking for two meal duty supervisors.  The job of Meal Duty Supervisor (MDS) is done for the purpose of providing for the safety of students during lunch time. Being a MDS is a great way to get started as an employee at Stoneridge and the Roseville City School District.  The time would be from 12pm-1pm everyday.  If interested please let Diane know.  

Parking Lot
Reminder that there are kids here.  Please do not be on your cell phone while driving through the parking lot.  There are over 560 kids here, it can take a little bit of time to get everyone off campus.  A reminder there are 2 Sides of the parking lot.  Please drive slow and safe.

Walk to School
We encourage you to walk to school!  Instead of scanning only on Fridays we will be scanning every day this year!  Also the City of Roseville has told us they could potentially put a crossing guard at the corner of Alexandra and Oak if we have enough people walking there.  We will start scanning on September 6th.  If you have a scanner foot from last year you do not need a new one.  If you do not have one please see the office to get one starting the week of August 22nd.

New rugs in Kinder and 1st grade.  Thank you PTC for purchasing these for our school!

After School Classes
As a reminder we have before and after school enrichment classes.  You can look in your Back to School packet that will go home on Back to School night for more information and how to register for the classes.

Just a reminder that we are not allowed to bring food treats on birthdays or other occasions.

A great way to stay connected to our school is through text messages through the service Remind.  Just text stonewolf to 81010 and you can get text reminders from us.

Our Homework Commitments
Here are our commitments around homework.  If you have any questions about specific homework for your child please reach out to your teacher.  If you have questions about our homework philosophy as a school please feel free to contact Mr. Blom.
Homework Post with our collective commitments, research and frequently asked questions

Music is here!
Every student Kindergarten through 5th grade will receive a half an hour of music education each week from a credentialed music teacher. The program will include instruction in the elements of music, such as rhythm, melody, harmony etc. following the California Music Content Standards. Additionally, Stoneridge will have a before school performance ensemble group for 4th and 5th grade students beginning later in the year. Our music teacher will hold an information session for parents that are interested. There will be more information to follow.

On the top of this blog is a tab that says calendar.  We will be updating this google calendar.  You can add this calendar to your phone if you have a smart phone.  We hope this will help with keeping important events updated.  

Interesting Articles We Read This Week
Once again we just put these articles in here in case you want to see some of the articles different staff members are currently reading.  

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