Sunday, January 22, 2023

January 22, 2023


Happy Sunday! How wonderful was it to see the sun this weekend? It seems like it has been awhile! Our family was lucky enough to go to San Francisco for a lacrosse tournament this weekend. We used to go to the city all the time when we lived closer, but it has been a long time. This trip was a great reminder that there are so many amazing places close to us, and we should take advantage. Our family gets wrapped up in the business of life and doesn't do this enough. Joelle was having so much fun asking questions and taking it all in. The Brooks will be adding more experiences to our plans in 2023! What does your family have planned?

There are a lot of fun things coming our way! But first, my weekly plug to help during lunch. Here is the signup: Lunch Help

I love Reading Month: February is I Love Reading Month and we have lots of fun things planned. There will be two author visits for our students and we are very excited. You will have the opportunity to order their books ahead of time. Here is the link for ordering: Author Book Orders

PTC News and Updates:

Thank you for coming out to Chick-fil-A Dine out! 

Thank you for coming to the PTC/Zoom call! Big Stoneridge event in May - Carnival!  Planning meetings will start mid-February...stay tuned on how you can get involved. 

See's Candy Fundraiser ends on Friday, Jan. 27th! 
20% of all purchases come back to Stoneridge and will be going to fund Teacher Appreciation Week in May. Thank you for buying those sweet treats today and all orders shipped in time for Valentine's Day!

Skate Night is this Wednesday!


Last day to order Pizza is Monday, 1/23 - no orders after that for Wednesday's skate night.

IMG_0338 (1).jpg

1/30 - 100 Days of School - Dress up Day!
1/30- Prospective Parents Night - 6pm


or ~ click Events/Tickets and look for this logo
Friday, Feb. 10th ~ 5:30-7pm
Open for Stoneridge Student's only & their sweetheart chaperone(s).
No tickets sold at the door and the last day to purchase tickets is 2/8/23.

Carnival is BACK!!! We are making plans to bring the Carnival back! This is a huge undertaking and will require lots of hands. 
Mark your calendars - first 'Carnival' planning meeting is Thursday, Feb. 23rd! Please plan on getting involved to help make the end of the party for our students a success!

Have a great week! 

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