Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sunday, April 2

Happy Sunday! I just have a few reminders to share today.

First, Spring Break is this upcoming week. Yay! The students return on Wednesday, April 12. We hope you have a wonderful break!

Art to Remember: Order today!! Today is the last day to order. 

Stoneridge is participating in a unique fundraising

program with Art to Remember that gives you the opportunity to purchase keepsake items 

with your child's artwork on them. The best part is that every keepsake order supports our school. The order forms went home last week and the deadline to order is Sunday, April 2nd. Just head to and search for your child’s name, enter their online 

order code, or upload artwork from home and start shopping! I just placed my order!

 Stoneridge Student's Art To Remember Art Show 2023  

St. Jude's Children's Hospitals Fundraiser is coming up!

Stoneridge Student Leadership Club, the "LEADERS of the P.A.C.K.,"  invite Stoneridge families to help us reach our goal of raising $3,500 for St. Jude’s Childrens’ Hospitals, which help to cure all types of childhood cancer.

Money that our school raises will help ensure that no family ever pays for anything at St. Jude’s. Our donations will help save lives!

Between April 20-May 18, children and adults can bring change or bills to their teacher for our collection buckets.  

We will also have an amazing crafts booth at the school carnival on May 12, stocked with fun and functional items handmade by us!

All profits will go to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospitals. Please donate, and while at the carnival, buy some fun and fashionable items! Every penny counts!  

Lunch Help Needed: As Spring nears, we can really use extra eyes on our playground at lunch. There is something special about Spring and how the students are growing and changing that makes extra adults on campus even more appreciated. Thank you so much to all of you who volunteer at lunch! 

Mark your calendars! Carnival is coming back to Stoneridge on Friday 5/12 from 5.30 - 7.30pm. This is going to be so much fun! We are so excited to be able to bring it back. In order to make it the best it can be, we need lots of help. Thank you for donating to your class baskets. And thank you to those of you who have volunteered your time.

Carnival Vendors and Donations: In addition, we are searching for additional raffle items, vendors and sponsors. Please see this letter that goes through all the opportunities with our Tax ID info too. You can use it when you reach out to vendors and businesses. 

Vendor/Donation Letter

Have a wonderful Spring Break!!

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