Friday, September 30, 2016

10/2/16-10/8/16 Blog Post

A Look at the Weeks Ahead
10/5 Walk to School Day
         All Kinders arrive at 8:50 and leave at 1:55
10/11 Talent Show Audition 3:15-5:15pm
10/12 PTC Meeting 3:30-4:30, PTC Happy Hour after, Talent Show Auditions (if necessary)
10/20 Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
10/21 Glow in the Dark Dance Party

Jog 2016!
Thank you to everyone who volunteered and donated.  We had a great day!  Just a reminder you have until October 14th to donate.  Just $20 gets your child special glow in the dark wristbands and necklaces and also to run through the teacher tunnel at our first ever Glow in the Dark Dance Party!  You can donate by bringing in the envelope or going online to

Learning about community helpers in Mrs. Jones' class.

Walk to School Day
Walk to School Day is on Wednesday, October 5th!  Students that walk will get a special snack provided by the City's Safe Routes programs.  Parents can come on campus and we will start our day with some dancing from our Dance Team.  If you would like to lead a group of walkers we need some volunteers.  Please sign up to volunteer below.  Also below is the map of our walking routes
Sign Up Genius for Walk to School Volunteer
Walk to School Map (Just Click on Stoneridge)

4th Grade PLTW

Talent Show
Talent Show is coming up!  Please see the attached document for more information.
Talent Show Form

A reminder that students cannot bring in donuts or other foods to share with the class or other students except on the class party days or days specified by your teacher. The same applies to field trips.  If you have any questions about our food policy please contact Mr. Blom.

Add caption
Some examples of student writing in 5th grade (top picture) and 1st grade (2nd and 3rd picture)

We are looking for another Meal Duty Supervisor.  The job of Meal Duty Supervisor (MDS) is done for the purpose of providing safety of students during lunch time. Being a MDS is a great way to get started as an employee at Stoneridge and the Roseville City School District.

Box Tops
It's box top time! Please gather your box tops and have students turn them in to their teacher(or the office) between now and Thursday, October 27th!  Collection sheets will be distributed to students this week. Please label with student's name, grade and teacher.  Happy clipping!

GATE Testing
The 2017-2018 school year GATE identification test will be administered at the District Office for students currently in 2nd-7th grade around January 2017. The students will take the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, OLSAT, that tests abstract thinking and reasoning ability. The form will be linked here beginning November 14, 2016.

A Touch of Understanding for our 3rd grade students.

Interesting Articles We Read
She Looked Like Me- Scholastic Blog (Todd Nesloney)
I Turn 40 Next Month and Pretty Much My Whole Life I Felt Dumb. I am Not.- Alice Keeler- Great article about mathematical mindset and math anxiety.
Ron Clark Academy Experience Video- Six of our teachers will be going to this training in February. We are excited to see Ron Clark and his amazing school in person. 

Friday, September 23, 2016

9/26/16-10/1/16 Blog Post

A Look at the Weeks Ahead
9/28   School Site Council and ELAC meeting 3:30
9/30   Jog-A-Thon
10/5   International Walk to School

Our first character assembly of the year!

Volunteer Update
The district sent an email to all parents yesterday about a new policy in regards to volunteers.  There are two categories of volunteers.  Category I is for volunteers who come on campus for a one time event (i.e. class party, assemblies, book fair, school events, etc) and does not require fingerprinting.  Category II is for volunteers who regularly help in the classroom, go on field trips, art docents, etc.  Fingerprinting and TB clearance will be required for all Category II volunteers.

Fingerprinting and TB clearance will be required through RCSD even if you have been cleared at your job or other volunteer activities.

The new policy starts on December 1st so parents will need to be fingerprinted and TB test cleared by then if they want to regularly volunteer at Stoneridge or go on any field trip.

On November 2nd from 5:30-7:30 p.m. parents can come to our multi to get free fingerprinting and have their TB test clearance.  If you can't make that night there are other days at other schools and the district office starting on Oct. 3rd.  You can view dates for fingerprinting & TB tests and download the Volunteer forms at this link:
RCSD Volunteer Info

It is free right now from the district but will not be in the future.  Also there is no reimbursement if you get it done somewhere else. Volunteer forms are available in the office.  If you have any questions, please contact Diane at

Thank you to all of our volunteers for your cooperation as we ensure that our children's safety remains our top priority.

Jog-A-Thon is on Friday!
We hope you join us for this fun day!  Here is the schedule so you know when your child runs.
Jog Schedule 2016

Volunteers for Jog
We still need volunteers, please sign up here to help!
Jog Volunteer Sign Up Genius Link

This is by far our biggest fundraiser of the year.  You can donate by sending in money in the envelope that went home or by going to  Please see this video by our Stoneridge students to see more about what your donations fund for our school!  Stoneridge Donations Video

Last Chance for DI
Please email Lynn at if your child is still interested in Destination Imagination.  Thanks Lynn for leading this great program and thank you to all our students and parents participating.  Visit the new DI website for more information

Music fun for our Kinder students

Gates close at 8:45
A reminder that instruction starts at 8:50 and that is why the gates are closed at 8:45.  Please have students to school by 8:45.

Working on context clues in 1st grade

Interesting Articles We Read this Week
"When we take away our child’s opportunity to solve problems, we also eliminate that process of growth. When we allow our kids to act for themselves (drawing up boundaries and giving guidance and love along the way) they will develop the confidence and compassion that they need to be successful adults. Success occurs as a culmination of emotional, problem-solving, and intellectual skills that are largely learned during childhood."
What Doesn't Work When Evaluating Teachers
Why Are We Still Talking About Homework-Unearthed Podcast

Friday, September 16, 2016

9/18/16-9/25/16 Blog Post

A Look at the Weeks Ahead
9/19  Respect Character Assembly at 11:05 - Dress Like Twins, Triplets
             or Entire Class
9/21  Picture Day
         Destination Imagination Makeup Information Night 5:30-6:00 pm
            and Team Manager Meting 6-7:00 pm
9/22  Skate Night at Roller King 6pm-8pm
9/28  School Site Council and ELAC meeting 3:30
9/30  Jog-A-Thon during the school day
10/5  International Walk to School

Art lessons from STAR Nova
Picture Day
Picture Day is on Wednesday, September 21st.  You can order pictures online at (Stoneridge ID# CR016563Q0) or send in payment in envelope attached to flyers that were sent home this week.  All students will be photographed for the yearbook even if you do not purchase pictures.

Skate Night
Thursday, Sept. 22nd is our first Skate Night of the year!  Come have fun with other Stoneridge families and staff at the Roller King from 6:00-8:00 p.m.!
If you would like to order a pizza or pre-register, please sign up here.

Jog A Thon
Continue collecting donations and pledges for our Jog-a-thon!  You can donate by returning the jog envelope or you can donate online at  Feel free to share the Stoneridge Shop website with friends and family.  A reminder that students that donate at least $20 will get glow bracelets and necklaces and get to run through the teacher tunnel at our first ever Glow in the Dark Dance Party!

Jog Schedule
Here is the Jog Schedule for when your child's class will be going during Jog
2016 Jog Schedule

Using math manipulatives in Kindergarten

Parking Lot
Please do not park in front of the Kindergarten classrooms - this is a drop off and pick up zone.

Sami's Circuit Family Night was a huge success!

School Site Council
Nominations are now open for parent vacancies on our School Site Council. We have 3 open positions. Each year a number of parent members rotate off the Council and new representatives are elected to serve. Representative serve a two (2) year term. The Stoneridge School Site Council generally meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 3:30 pm in our office.

As a member of the School Site Council, you share in important financial decisions that guide the core of our school. We have three (3) parent vacancies on the School Site Council. If you are interested in joining our School Site Council, please click here and return form to the office by Wednesday, Sept. 21st.

Community Information/Flyers
Roseville Bikefest
Fall Camp and Classes
Coffee With a Cop

Remind Text Service
We are primarily communicating through the blog and text messaging. There will be a few emails but we are using our Remind Text Service more and more. To receive messages via text, text @stonewolf to 81010. You can opt-out of messages at anytime by replying, 'unsubscribe @stonewolf'.
Remind Flyer

Interesting Articles We Read this Week
Is Your Child Getting A Good Writing Education- Writers Who Care- 4 questions teachers and parents should ask about writing
The Uncomfotable Truth About Children's Books- Mother Jones
American Schools Are Training Kids for a World That Doesn't Exist- Wired

Friday, September 9, 2016

9/11/16-9/17/16 Blog Post

Upcoming Events:
9/12  4th and 5th grade Bucket Band applications due by 3pm in the office
9/14  Sami Circuit Family Night 6-7pm
9/16  Teacher In-Service Day - NO school for students
9/19  Respect Character Assembly- Dress Like Twins, Triplets or Entire Class
9/21  - Picture Day
         - Destination Imagination Makeup Information Night 5:30-6:00 pm
                and Team Manager Meting 6-7:00 pm
9/22 Skate Night at Roller King 6pm-8pm
9/28 School Site Council and ELAC meeting 3:30
9/30 Jog-A-Thon during the school day

Fun at Sami's Circuit

Jog-A-Thon Envelopes go home on Monday!  On Monday we will also be emailing more information about prizes available and how families can donate and buy jog shirts.

Thursday afternoon is sold out but there are still spots left in the Tuesday morning Minecraft class.  Please go to to register.

Art Docent and PTC Liaison
We still have a few teachers that need Art Docents and PTC Liaisons. The purpose of the PTC Liaison is to increase communication between and participation with parents and the PTC. The PTC Liaison has an important role of representing your class and keeping them updated with the goings on of the PTC.

The following teachers are still in need of a PTC Liaison:
Mrs. Beck, Mrs. DeLeo, Mrs. Shannon Nelson, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Oxenham, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Wallace, Ms. Reidt, Mrs. Pointer, and Mrs. Santos

The following teachers are still in need of an Art Docent:
Mrs. DeCuir, Mrs. Oxenham, Mrs. Wallace, Mr. Blake, and Mrs. Robertson.

If you are interested in either position please email your child's teacher.

Volunteer Form from PTC
Please fill out the following form if you are interested in volunteering for any PTC events or positions.
PTC Volunteer Form

Kids Corner
We will be spotlighting student writing throughout the year about their experience at Stoneridge.  Here are a few student writing samples:

Remind Text Service
We are primarily communicating through the blog and text messaging.  There will be a few emails but we are using our Remind Text Service more and more.  To receive messages via text, text @stonewolf to 81010. You can opt-out of messages at anytime by replying, 'unsubscribe @stonewolf'.
Remind Flyer

Yellow Pages
We’re excited to let you know we are participating in YP℠ for Schools program again this year!
Last year we raised $7,000 and we can still earn $3,000 more this year.
How It Works:

By reviewing local businesses on and through the YP℠ app, we collect points that translate into donations for Stoneridge. The more you write and the more photos you share, the more points you collect and the more funds we raise.

You can get started today:

It’s as easy as 1-2-3…
1 - Sign up at
2 – Share your opinions about local businesses on or using the YP app.
3 – Each review translates into points that count towards funds that
will benefit Stoneridge.

You can also text Stoneridge to 99000 and download the app on your phone.

Sami's Circuit Book and Sami's Circuit Family Night
Our students had a great time at Sami's Circuit on Wednesday.  Sami is coming back on September 14th for family night.  A flyer will be coming home on Monday with more information.  Here is a link to the flyer if you need.

Also Sami has a new book coming out.  If you would like to order his book please have the order form back to Stoneridge by Friday September 16th.  The flyer went home this previous week but if you need it again here it is.

Destination Imagination Information Night
If you missed our DI information night there is still a make up night on Wednesday, September 21st.  If you have any questions or are interested in joining a team please email Lynn Benavidez at  You can view more information here.

Interesting Articles We Read this Week
Is It Rude, Mean, Or Bullying- Psychology Today
Automation is Eating Jobs But These Jobs Will Always Be Valued in the Workplace- Singularity Hub
Kwame Alexander on Children's Books and the Color of Characters

Friday, September 2, 2016

9/4/16-9/11/16 Blog Post

Thank you to everyone who came to our Ice Cream Social.  It was great to see so many Stoneridge students and families all together having a good time. Also, thank you to everyone who attended our first PTC meeting or watched it on Facebook Live.

Dancing, ice cream, and Stoneridge.  What could be better?

Stoneridge Facebook Groups by Grades
Stoneridge PTC is proud to bring to you Facebook groups by grade level. To join the community, find your child's grade (names of groups are listed and linked below) and request to join.
Stoneridge Parents TK 2016-2017
Stoneridge Parents Kindergarten 2016-2017
Stoneridge Parents First Grade 2016-2017
Stoneridge Parents Second Grade 2016-2017
Stoneridge Parents Third Grade 2016-2017
Stoneridge Parents 4th Grade 2016-2017
Stoneridge Parents 5th Grade 2016-2017

Amazon Smile
If you purchase things off Amazon go to and choose Stoneridge PTC.  All purchases made through Amazon smile gives back to Stoneridge .5%
Mrs. Oxenham's class had a special trip to ReCreate this week. 

Destination Imagination
The 2016-2017 Destination Imagination Season is here!

We invite you to attend the information meeting on Wednesday, September 7th at 6pm in the multipurpose room.

Destination Imagination is an after-school, volunteer-led program. The purpose of DI is to inspire and equip students to become the next generation of innovators and leaders. You can get more information here:

Fish Club
Fish Club will be having a brief informational meeting this Tuesday September 6th at 6:00pm in the MPR for any parents interested.  Fish Club is a free, fun, faith based club encouraging character building, friendships and leadership based on biblical principles. The lessons & devotionals are student led and there’s also plenty of fun & games.

WHO? All Stoneridge students in 3rd, 4th & 5th grades are welcome
WHEN ? Tuesday mornings 8:00am to 8:35am beginning 9/13
WHERE? Multi Purpose Room

For more information please contact parent coordinators Nathan & Tiffany Holland: or (916) 472-9331

Mr. Blom read Ralph Tells a Story to all classes on Monday.

School Site Council
Nominations are now open for parent vacancies on our School Site Council. We have 3 open positions. Each year a number of parent members rotate off the Council and new representatives are elected to serve. Representative serve a two (2) year term. The Stoneridge School Site Council generally meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 3:30 pm in our office.

As a member of the School Site Council, you share in important financial decisions that guide the core of our school. We have three (3) parent vacancies on the School Site Council. If you are interested in joining our School Site Council, please submit a short paragraph about yourself to Luisa Makishima by Sept. 16th at:

Jog-A-Thon is coming on September 30th!  Please see the information below regarding the Jog-A-Thon!

Link to Downloadable PDF

Art Room
We are turning Room 32 into a great place please email Claire Bartlett at if you are interested in getting the Art Room ready.

Rock Band
There are two more spots left for Tuesday Rock Band.  Please go to this site to sign up:

Walk to School
We love how many students have been walking to school.  Here is a map for walking routes:
Stoneridge Walking Map

Bucket Band
The Bucket Band is an instrumental group for 4th and 5th graders that will meet before school on Wednesdays and Thursdays in Room 23 from 7:50-8:35. After rehearsal, students will be released to the playground until the morning bell rings. Rehearsals will begin on September 14th. If your student would like to participate in this opportunity, please come to a short parent meeting on the morning of Thursday, September 8th at 7:50am in the cafeteria.  If you cannot make it or have more questions please email our music teacher Jennifer Aldridge at

Minecraft class is before school from 7:40-8:35am on Tuesday mornings or 3:15-4:10pm on Thursdays.  Classes will start on 9/13/16 and 9/15/16.  You can register starting at 8:00 pm on Monday September 5th.  Register at (link will not be live until 8pm on Monday night).

Girls on the Run will be back this Spring!
Stoneridge will host its Girls on the Run Program again in the Spring! This is an after-school program for 3rd – 5th grade girls that teaches them how to take good care of themselves, how to be a good friend, and how to take care of their community, all while learning the benefits of physical activity. Practices will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays after school for 90 minutes a session. Here are key dates for the season:
· January 23rd – Online registration opens (financial assistance application will be available beginning November 1st)
· February 13th – Practices begin
· May 13th – Celebration 5K

If you are interested in helping coach the team, talk to Jen Hall (, Jen Speak ( or Rita Gill ( For more information about the program, visit Watch here for more details to come!

A Look at the Week Ahead
9/5 No School
9/6 Parent meeting for Fish Club in multi 6pm-7pm (3rd, 4th and 5th grade parents)
9/7 Sami's Circuit during the day. Students please wear comfortable clothes.
Destination Imagination information meeting (K-5 parents) 6-7pm in the multi
9/8 Bucket Band information meeting 7:50am in the multi (4th and 5th grade parents),
Chick Fil A Spirit Night 5pm-8pm
9/9 Coffee with the principal 9-10am all parents welcome, meeting in the staff room
9/14 Sami Circuit Family Night 6-7pm
9/16 Teacher In-Service Day, students do not have school.
9/19 Respect Character Assembly- Wear Sport’s team attire
9/21 Picture Day
9/22 Skate Night at Roller King

Interesting Articles I Read
Austin's Butterfly Video- Showing students how feedback is a good thing and by having a growth mindset we can always improve.
The Pay Gap for Teachers is Greater Than Ever- Ed Week
Legos Are the New Frontier for Libraries- I Love Libraries