Sunday, May 31, 2020

Sunday, May 31

Hello Families! It is officially summer and it feels quite different this year.

Thank you to all of you that drove through our school parade. It was so wonderful to see all of you! We were all smiling for days after because we were so excited! Our students are our rays of sunshine!

There are a few items of business:
This week is our final pick up for student materials, art work, etc. 
The teachers have gathered everything and packed it up for the students.
We will have the same format for pick up as last time. Please enter in the upper grade driveway and continue around to the front of the office. Pull up next to the curb and wait for someone to come out. Bring a bag with your child's name and teacher. The schedule is below.
Monday, 6/1
12-1 pm: Last Name A-E
1-2 pm: Last Name F-J
2-3 pm: Last Name K-O
3-4 pm: Last Name P-T
4-5 pm: Last Name U-Z
5-6 pm: Open
Tuesday, 6/2
7-9 am: Open
9-10 am:Last Name A-E
10-11 am: Last Name F-J
11-12 pm: Last Name K-O
1-2 pm: Last Name P-T
3-4 pm: Last Name U-Z
Wednesday, 6/3
9-3 pm: Open
Thursday, 6/4
9-3 pm: Open
Friday, 6/5
9-2 pm: Open

PTC Board Nominations:
If you would like to be considered for our open PTC board positions, please fill out this form by Wednesday, June 3.
A ballot will be shared next week for everyone to vote.
PTC Board Form

Summer Learning Resources:
The district has shared these resources to take advantage of over the summer.
Distance Learning Schedule/ Resources

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sunday, May 24

Hello Families! It is crazy to think that we are entering our last week of school! I must say, it feels quite different this year. 

Final Stoneridge Parade: This Wednesday, 5/27, at 12pm, we will have our last parade of the year. 

Please watch is video with your children for the details: 

Parade Video

PTC Positions!
The following PTC positions are open. Please look them over and consider putting your hat in the ring. In the next blog, there will be a form for you to officially put your name in for a position. The following week, everyone will have to opportunity to vote. 
President (2-year term): 
Oversees all of the PTC board positions. Works in the best interest of Stoneridge Elementary. Good listener that works well with others; Enjoys collaborating. Oversees events, goals and budget. 

Vice President of Communication (1-year term): 
Manages the website and social media posting for the PTC. Creates and shares emails/messages with teachers and community. Also publicizes events, and more. 

Vice President of Fundraisers (2-year term):
Responsible for overseeing the fundraising committees (i.e.: skate nights, spirit nights, Box Tops, Jogathon, Carnival, Benefit for the Arts, etc.) Works with the committee chair/team as the first point of contact for fundraising efforts. 

Vice President of Events (2-year term): 
Responsible for overseeing the school event committees (i.e.: back to School, Ice Cream Social, Teacher Appreciation, Evening Family Event, etc. ) Works with the committee chair/team as the first point of contact for school events.

Treasurer (2-year term):
Provides monthly account tracking, manages spend spreadsheet, and oversees master budget. Also, does the receipt organization and taxes.

Material Pick Up:
We will have one more material pick up for you to get your student's final items and artwork. There will be more information in next week's blog. The dates are 6/1-6/5. This is the schedule:
Monday, 6/1
12-1 pm: Last Name A-E
1-2 pm: Last Name F-J
2-3 pm: Last Name K-O
3-4 pm: Last Name P-T
4-5 pm: Last Name U-Z
5-6 pm: Open
Tuesday, 6/2
7-9 am: Open
9-10 am:Last Name A-E
10-11 am: Last Name F-J
11-12 pm: Last Name K-O
1-2 pm: Last Name P-T
3-4 pm: Last Name U-Z
Wednesday, 6/3
9-3 pm: Open
Thursday, 6/4
9-3 pm: Open
Friday, 6/5
9-2 pm: Open

Below is the information you received in the most recent email from the district:
Continuous Learning
Next week, RCSD will be sending out an example continuous learning schedule for summer. It will include independent online grade-level math and reading, reading reflection prompts, as well as a schedule to incorporate Edutyping for typing practice.

Social-Emotional Learning
Hey parents! As you look towards the summer break, you might be wondering how you can support your child’s social and emotional health, especially since everything social is canceled! 
Join Kristen Baisden, RCSD School Psychologist, Dr. Rebecca Branstetter, founder of the Thriving School Psychologist, and Elizabeth Sautter of “Make Social Learning Stick” on this special Facebook Live event to:
-Get ideas on how to keep your kids engaged, connected and happy this summer
-Learn ways to help your child manage disappointment and prevent isolation
-Get tips on how to teach social-emotional and coping skills in your everyday routines 

While there are a lot of unknowns, what we do know is that you are your child’s most important social and emotional coach, and you got this! 
Tune in on Tuesday, May 26th at 4 pm Pacific Standard Time on Make Social Learning Stick’s Facebook Page (

2020-2021 Planning Survey for Fall 2020 
Thank you for all the families that have filled out the Planning Survey sent earlier this week. Please take a moment to fill out the survey by May 28th.
2019-2020 Distance Learning Family Survey
The sudden shift to distance learning in the spring brought both successes and challenges to our students, staff, and families. In RCSD we value feedback and want to continue working together to plan for success and ways to adapt to the challenges posed by COVID-19.  We need your feedback to understand what worked, what didn't work,  and what supports are required to support learning in 2020-2021. On Tuesday, you will receive a Distance Learning Survey. Please take some time to provide feedback and share your perspective. Please complete the survey by June 1.

Please take the day to play tomorrow so it feels like a three day weekend. You all deserve a break!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Monday 18, 2020

Happy Monday Stoneridge Familes! The crazy thing is that this is our last Monday of the year!! 

Reminder that today is a Professional Development Day for teachers, so there are no lessons for your children. 

A HUGE thank you to our community for all of the love over this last week (actually, two weeks!) We felt so loved and appreciated. 

Exciting News!!! We are going to have another parade to celebrate the last day of school!
The school-wide parade will be Wednesday, 5/27, at 12pm. However, we will be doing it a little different this time. During this parade you will be driving by the teachers. The teachers/staff will be along the front sidewalk of Stoneridge and you will drive past and wave. The teachers will be spaced out and grouped by grades beginning with TK and ending with 5th. All cars will enter by the upper grade side/Adventure Club. Mrs. Brooks will be at the driveway entrance and will help direct traffic. (She really misses directing traffic during pick up and drop off!!) Please mark you calendars! More details will follow.

Material Pick Up: There will be a final material pick up when you will get student artwork, etc. It will be similar to the first material pick up. The dates are 6/1-6/5, times below:
Monday, 6/1
12-1 pm: Last Name A-E
1-2 pm: Last Name F-J
2-3 pm: Last Name K-O
3-4 pm: Last Name P-T
4-5 pm: Last Name U-Z
5-6 pm: Open

Tuesday, 6/2
7-9 am: Open
9-10 am:Last Name A-E
10-11 am: Last Name F-J
11-12 pm: Last Name K-O
1-2 pm: Last Name P-T
3-4 pm: Last Name U-Z

Wednesday, 6/3

9-3 pm: Open

Thursday, 6/4
9-3 pm: Open

Friday, 6/5
9-2 pm: Open

A reminder of important calendar dates:
May 18th-Staff Development Day
May 25th-No School Instruction (Memorial Day)
May 27th-Last Day of Instruction for 2019-2020
June 1 - June 5: Final Material Pick Up

Monday, May 11, 2020

Monday, May 11

Good Morning Stoneridge! We hope all of you mothers had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday!!

This is our first day of Teacher Appreciation Week for our Stoneridge teachers. I know many of you have already started spoiling the teachers!
The activity for today is: 

And, tomorrow is: 
This is the schedule for the week. We will be sending a daily reminder:

Library Book Drop Off Days: We will have boxes in front of the office this Wednesday, 5/13, and Thursday, 5/14, from 9 am to 1 pm. Please drop your library books off.

Calendar Reminders
-Professional Development Day
On May 18, all RSCD teachers will not be online with students. Instead, teachers will be learning about new curriculums that will be implemented in the 2020-2021 school year and will be working with colleagues planning lessons for the remainder of the school year. Students WILL NOT be assigned new work on this day. Instead, we suggest independent reading, catching up on incomplete assignments, or engaging in an enrichment activity.
Enrichment Activities are located here: RCSD Continuous Learning Website Parent Resources 
-Last Day of Instruction
May 27 will be the last day of online instruction for students. Teachers will be cleaning their classrooms and organizing student materials on May 28th and 29th for parent/guardian pick-up the first week of June.
-Registration for the 2020-2021 School Year
If you have not done so, please be sure to register your child for the 2020-2021 school year. We are making plans for classes already and need to know if your child will be attending. You may have also received a reminder email this last week from your child’s school. 
Please go to RCSD Registration  
If you need assistance with enrollment, please call Stoneridge between the hours of 8:30-11:30 am.

Distance Learning Links:
If you are in need of any support including food, shelter, mental health, and more. 
Please click here: Request for Support

If you have questions about Distance Learning:
Please click here: RCSD Continuous Learning Website

If you borrowed a Chromebook and are having problems:
Please click here: Student Mobile Device Lost, Damaged or Stolen

Have a great week! The office staff misses you!!!

Monday, May 4, 2020

May 4, 2020

Happy Monday Stoneridge Families! 
May the 4th be with you!! 

Parents, you may have seen that this week is Teacher Appreciation Week. Well, I think you will all agree that Stoneridge likes to march to its own beat! We will be celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week NEXT WEEK!!! The schedule is below of small things you can do. There will be a post the night before with a brief explanation and a reminder!

The Online Book Fair is still available! 
This is the LAST week. It ends May 10th. 
Please take a look and order a book!! 
Stoneridge Online Book Fair

Deadline is Monday Night
The FINAL Read to Succeed deadline is here! Monday is the last chance to enter your students.
Thank you for your participation in Read to Succeed. We know that this has been a trying year and we appreciate you finding time to continue your participation in the program.


The final, FINAL deadline is Monday night. This is your very last chance to add students and update their reading hours. That's because we're going to post the certificates this week.


We will have your certificates read to download from the website on May 6. Please note that we need to do things a little differently this year. As you may be aware, our parks are currently closed and we don't yet know for sure when we will open. That means we can't put valid dates on the tickets yet since we want to be sure that we can give your students plenty of time to visit the park.

We've come up with the following solution: Instead of giving you tickets to give your students, we're going to send you certificates with a special code your students can use to access their tickets online. This guarantees that they can download their ticket as soon as it becomes available. It also means that you will be able to send your students their certificate as you have in the past.

We'll send more details on May 6.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to send us a note.


The Six Flags Read to Succeed Team

Open PTC Positions and Descriptions will be posted soon!! 
Please think about putting your hat in the ring!
Open positions include:
Vice President
And more....

Distance Learning Links:
If you are in need of any support including food, shelter, mental health, and more. 
Please click here: Request for Support

If you have questions about Distance Learning:
Please click here: RCSD Continuous Learning Website

If you borrowed a Chromebook and are having problems:
Please click here: Student Mobile Device Lost, Damaged or Stolen

Have a great week and reach out with questions!