Tuesday, May 31, 2022

End of Year


The theme of today's blog is Thankful! It has been quite a year, but it has been a wonderful year and we could not have done it without all of you!! 

Thank you to all of our Art Docents who shared their time with our students to encourage art and creativity. The students so looked forward to their time with the art docent. A special thank you to Kelly Zachreson who has been our lead art docent. She will be passing the paint brush onto a new lead, Stacie Andrade, who has volunteered to take the position! This is not a small task and we are so thankful for you!

Offering Science Docent is something unique to Stoneridge and I am so proud we are able to do it. This year, Jackie Abbot stepped up to take it on and that is no small task. We were also lucky enough to add Michelle Amato. Our science docent program was amazing this year. Thank you to Jackie and Michelle for your leadership and thank you to all of the parents who helped with science docent for each of the classes. 

Our Girls on the Run program was phenomenal this year. It wouldn't have happened if we did not have volunteers. To name some of the leaders we have: Jennifer Speak, Amanda Matz, Jessica Solis, Sukhi Atwal and Jessica Palmer. Thank you so much for the time you put in to instill such great life lessons and habits in many of our female students. And thank you to the many others who helped support this incredible program too! 

I know that I missed many of you amazing volunteers, but please know that I am thankful for each of you every day! I say it all the time-- we truly have the BEST community!!

Student Shout Out!! One of our very own students, Reese Bettleyon, is a published author!! She worked on this story in Mrs. Robert's third grade class during the '20/'21 school year and did not stop until is was a published book! Enjoy this video talking about the book and check out the link below to buy a copy! So exciting! Congrats Reese!!! We look forward to more books.

Link to Buy: The 100 Patches of Hayward Stilton

Again, thank you to all of you!! Have the best summer and be on the look out for Blog posts and videos in August!

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Sunday, May 22

Here we are, the LAST week of school! I cannot believe it. We have a lot of fun planned! 

REMINDER!!! Everyday this week is a minimum day! Students are released at 1:52pm! 

But first, A HUGE shout out to Mrs. Robertson and Ms. Beth!!! They planned and prepped field day. It is a monumental task that went off without a hitch! Thank you so much to both of you!!

Not even the wind could get in the way of the kids having the BEST time!! And thank you to all of you parents who volunteered. There is no way we could have done it without you. The kids were so excited to have you there. 

Speaking of awesome teachers! We are excited to share that Ally Simmons is this year's Teacher Who Makes a Difference. For anyone that has had Mrs. Simmons, they know that she will do anything and everything for her students. Ally works so hard to support her students and does it with a smile on her face. Mrs. Simmons is truly a gift to her students and Stoneridge!

We need your help!!! We could use some extra hands on the playground during lunch next week. If you just come and play games with the kids or even referee basketball games, your help would be incredible! 
Sign up here to help:

Tuesday is our Yearbook signing party!! If you have not ordered a yearbook, there are a few left. Buy one in the office for $30 CASH ONLY! 
There will be fun things to buy. See below for the price list. 

Also, we are having a Stoneridge Gear BLOW OUT SALE!!! Check it out at stoneridgeshop.com

Have a wonderful week!!

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Sunday, May 15


The sun is setting on the '21/'22 school year. If you take a second and think about where we started, it sure feels like we have come a long way. We are so excited to be doing some 'normal' things like assemblies and field trips. The kids have an entirely new level of excitement as some have never experienced one before. It makes it more fun for us too. Personally, I am trying to make note of the little things because I don't want to take these things for granted. We have not been able to do them for so long. 

Yearbook Party
On Tuesday, 5/24, the quad will be full of all our students enjoying their first look at this year's Yearbook!  The teachers will be stationed around the quad and the students will have a few hours to mingle the tables for teacher signatures as well as getting their friends to sign their books.  Students will receive their yearbooks, labeled with their name, that morning from their teachers.  Then the 2 hour block of fun begins! This includes some games while they wait for signatures, refreshments will be sold, as well as other items like pencils, stickers, etc.  We'll outline what's for sale with some pictures in next week's blog. 

Yearbooks Available!! If you did not purchase a yearbook and would like to get one, we have a few extras. You can purchase one in the office on Monday or Tuesday morning for $30, CASH ONLY!!

Snowie King: Snowie King will be here after school on Thursday, 5/19. It will be the last time Snowie King will be here this year. It look like it will be a warm day!!

Next year Schedule:

Grades 1-5: M, T, Th, F - 7:40am-2pm and Wednesday - 7:40am-12:42pm

The following is the 2022-2023 School year Daily Schedule for Kindergarten.

Kindergarten - Early Start              Kindergarten – Late Start

       Monday - Friday                         (Mon., Tues., and Thurs ONLY)

       Wed. & Friday same time as Early Start Kinders


  7:40      Instruction begins             8:58     Instruction begins

11:30   Lunch/Recess                       11:30     Lunch/Recess

12:10   Instruction Begins             12:20     Instruction Begins

 12:42  Dismissal                         2:00     Dismissal


Please join us for the last PTC meeting of the year either in person or zoom.
Tuesday May 17th @ 3:30 in the Teacher's Lounge
(Next year we will resume free childcare for all PTC meetings)

PTC Meeting Agenda – 5/17
•Teacher Appreciation Update (Michelle)
•Yearbook Party – Morning of 5/24 (Lesley/Carina)
•Setup, Volunteers, Refreshments, Selling Items
•2021 – 2022 Year End Review (Lesley)
•Board Positions / Volunteers (Janine)
•2022/2023 Calendar of Events (Carina)
•2022/2023 Budget (Michelle)
•Introduction of new volunteer committee chairs (Janine)
•Back to School plans (Lesley)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 262 969 0212
Passcode: BmHt09

PTC is winding down this year but already working on exciting things for next year too!
We need you - let us tell you how and why...
Your Stoneridge PTC(Parent Teacher Club) functions as a representative of the entire parent body. To fulfill this responsibility and be as effective as possible, the board needs to fill certain positions. We are still looking to fill the VP of fundraising which is our last board position and we're excited for many volunteers already throwing in their names for chair positions and general volunteer work from our social and blog posts. THANK YOU!

This attached form was sent home with students on Friday and we invite you to get involved. We promise - you do as little or as much as long as it works for YOU.  There's so many moving parts that someone who can do things at home on your own time is just as valuable as the volunteers who can physically be at events.  It would be incredible to just have you willing to be on a volunteer list to reach out to when we have specific opportunities and you can pick and choose if/when it works for you.  If interested, please email us the form at stoneridgeptc1@gmail.com or give it to your child's teacher.

PTC honors one our own ~ the term as this year(s) Treasurer is over & now passed on. Katie, this incredible woman, has been the backbone of PTC pre Covid and THROUGH it. The PTC crew you’ve come to know in the last few months can only praise her dedication and work she’s done when there’s been so much change in the last few years AND through a life changing pandemic. She’s been Stoneridge’s sounding board & Treasurer for several years and has officially trained and passed on her legacy. Thank you Katie, you’ve inspired so many through life & school, and thank you for keeping PTC a float through thick and thin. ❤️~ your PTC crew & so many more

PTC wants to give another shout out to Rob @ Stella Painting for his incredible generosity of time and paint donations that kicked off the Refresh theme for our Teachers during appreciation week.
You and your team made this transformation happen so we could build on it with design and it turned out perfect!! Thank you for the neutral gray walls all around that complimented the pop of Navy accent & whiteboard wall. It’s truly a “WOW”!
We all thank you, we appreciate you, the kind donation, and your support of our Teachers

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Sunday, May 8


Happy Mother's Day to all of you! Whether you are spoiling a mom, being spoiled as a mom, or both, ENJOY! Speaking of spoiling, there are not words to express our gratitude for all of the love our teachers and staff received this week. Our most amazing PTC spearheaded the efforts but there is no way we could have done it without the outpouring of generosity from all of you! There were so many parents who volunteered their time and made donations in addition to local businesses that donated meals, treats, painting, etc! We will be spotlighting these businesses on social media and in upcoming blog posts. See below for what the week entailed for teachers.

The teachers felt so special this week. See below for information about how to get involved with PTC. We have a wonderful team that would love to have you involved. 

Snowie King will be in front of Stoneridge this Tuesday, 5/10, after school. They apologize for the mix up on Cinco de Mayo. 

Parents of 5th Graders- Important: Last day to order 5th grade graduation signs is Tuesday. Please visit stoneridgeshop.com & click the “5th grade signs” to order. Once signs are delivered to school, an email will be sent to pick it up in the office.

Field Day: We also have Field Day coming up on May 20! We are so excited to have this back again this year. In order for it to be a success, we need lots of parent help. 
Please sign up for a spot here: Field Day Sign Up

Your Stoneridge PTC(Parent Teacher Club) functions as a representative of the entire parent body. To fulfill this responsibility and be as effective as possible, the board needs to fill certain positions. 

We have filled the following positions president, secretary, treasurer, and VP of events. The last position we need to fill for next year is VP of fundraising. This is a board elect position. 

We are also looking for parents to volunteer to lead certain chairs and volunteers to help those chairs as well.

Attached you will find a form that if interested in any of these roles, please fill out and either email it the PTC at stoneridgeptc1@gmail.com or give it to your child's teacher.

The deadline to return this form will be May 13th, if you are interested in taking the VP of fundraising role. If not, then please return the form before May 20. 

Have a wonderful day cherishing loved ones!

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Sunday, May 1


Welcome to May! Don't blink. The year will be over before we know it. This first week in May is a very important week: Teacher's Appreciation Week! We intend to spoil our teachers with the love and appreciation they deserve. We have had many parents helping prepare for weeks, including a crew working this weekend! Thank you to all of you who are donating items and helping get ready for this special week! 

Our theme this year is REFRESH to signify a fresh start and renewal after the last couple of years. We have lots of fun surprises and treats in store for our staff during the Appreciation Week. We need your help to make it a success! Here's how you can get involved:
  • A Signup Genius is linked below with several slots to sign up for - you can donate items, gift cards, or your time - anything is very appreciated!! There are several volunteer slots available for Traffic Duty, Yard Duty, setup and cleanup too! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050449A8A729A2F94-teacher
  • Each day of the week during Teacher Appreciation will have a special gift for your child's teacher. The link to access the Teacher's Favorite Things is at  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QTcxtai9CfEqkjUihQ6dqK-T12T6GA1F?usp=sharing.
    • Monday - Wear your Teacher's Favorite Color
    • Tuesday - Bring your Teacher's Favorite Flower
    • Wednesday - Write your Teacher a Note or Poem; Or Tag them on Social
    • Thursday - Bring your Teacher's Favorite Snack
    • Friday - Bring in Teacher Supplies
  • Please reach out with any questions or additional items you'd like to provide
Here is a folder with all of the teacher's favorite things:

Our Ensemble Group is performing next week! 
Tuesday May 3rd 
5:30-6:30pm in the cafeteria

Please have performers wear black and white if possible and be in the music room (room 23) by 5pm.

Performance will begin at 5:30 in the cafeteria.

Field Day: We also have Field Day coming up! We are so excited to have this back again this year. In order for it to be a success, we need lots of parent help. 
Please sign up for a spot here: Field Day Sign Up

Hello Stoneridge parents:

Your Stoneridge PTC(Parent Teacher Club) functions as a representative of the entire parent body. To fulfill this responsibility and be as effective as possible, the board needs to fulfill certain positions.  We have fulfilled the following positions for next year; President, Secretary, Treasurer, and VP of Events.

The last position we would like to fill by the May 17th PTC meeting is the VP of Fundraising. This is a board elect and voting position. The VP will coordinate chair persons who will lead each 2022/23 fundraising event and work closely with the board to identify fundraising goals & strategies for these events. Together, we’ll implement the strategies and support the chairs prior and during each event. Allotted time for this role: Participation at every PTC and board meeting, 1-3 times a month for 1-2 hours live or by phone. Ability to participate and support chairs in each event which varies depending on the month and event times. If you’d like to learn more and how this position is supported by the PTC team, please email us to set up a time to talk - Stoneridgeptc1@gmail.com as soon as possible.

We are also looking for parents to volunteer to lead certain chairs of events and volunteers to help chairs persons as well for next year. A form will be sent out and posted soon for review and a great opportunity to get set up now to be involved for next years fun, fundraising, and festivities.

PTC Volunteer Form

Thank you!
Janine, Michelle, Carina, & Lesley
PTC Board Members

Your Stoneridge PTC(Parent Teacher Club) functions as a representative of the entire parent body. To fulfill this responsibility and be as effective as possible, the board needs to fill certain positions. 

We have filled the following positions president, secretary, treasurer, and VP of events. The last position we need to fill for next year is VP of fundraising. This is a board elect position. 

We are also looking for parents to volunteer to lead certain chairs and volunteers to help those chairs as well.

Attached you will find a form that if interested in any of these roles, please fill out and either email it the PTC at stoneridgeptc1@gmail.com or give it to your child's teacher.

The deadline to return this form will be May 13th, if you are interested in taking the VP of fundraising role. If not, then please return the form before May 20. 

Have a wonderful week!