Sunday, April 25, 2021

Sunday, April 25


Hello Families! Welcome to the last week of April. Impossible! This week we wrap up our Read A Thon fundraiser with the big raffle the kids have been waiting for! With your support and generosity, we raised just over $12,000 for our school. Absolutely amazing! We are also continuing our Pennies for Patients fundraiser. It is a wonderful cause and a little goes a long way. Click below for the latest video made by our Leadership kids. They are doing such a great job!

Pennies for Patients Video 2

Teacher Appreciation: Speaking of May, we will be celebrating Teacher Appreciation May 3-7. Just like everything, it will look a little different but it will be awesome. We will be sharing information about little things you can do to show appreciation. Keep an eye out for emails coming soon!

District Communication: 

Spirit Day on Friday: Wear a hat to put a Lid on Leukemia! 

Have a great week!

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sunday, April 18


Happy Sunday Families!! The temperature is going to rise quickly, but these last couple weeks have been gorgeous! Last Thursday night, my kids and I went to the West Park High School football game to check it out and watch daddy coach! It happened to be first game they allowed students to attend. I just have to say it was amazing! A true sense of normal. At one point, my 7th grader leaned over and said, 'I have missed this so much.' In this last year, I think we have all gained a new appreciation for things we may have taken for granted. A good reminder not to forget to appreciate and recognize the little things. 

Pennies for Patients: This week we kick off our annual Pennies for Patients campaign. All donations will be online this year. Your child's teacher will be sharing information about how to donate. This campaign hits too close to home this time around. My son's friend was diagnosed with Lymphoma last week. As we all know, you never know who or when it will hit, but I think we can all agree that cancer sucks

Read A Thon: We are closing up our awesome Read A Thon! It was a joy to see the students so excited to share their reading. Remember, if we hit $10k, I will do the ice bucket challenge. Eek! As of Friday afternoon, if each student brought in one dollar, we would hit it! 

Book Fair: Thank you for supporting the Book fair! It was a huge success. A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Caines for working so hard putting it together. Mrs. Caines also had some shout outs for our students:

I want to give a BIG shout out to the students here at Stoneridge.
They have been doing a great job at the Book fair. They have used valuable Math and negotiating skills to decide if they have enough money to purchase what they want.
Making first and second choices or listening to recommendations for book choices.

Also, a very BIG shout out to Isabella Burns and Julia Duong for coming each day and buying their teacher and former teachers books for their classrooms!!! 

District Communication:
Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Sunday, April 11


What a fun week celebrating our love of reading! The kids are so excited to read and share their reading. I love it so much! This is our last week of the Read A Thon, but it will be even more fun because the Book Fair is here!! Keep it up, Stoneridge!

Read A Thon: This is the last week of our Read A Thon. Our goal is $75 per student with a school goal of $30,000. This is our one and only big fundraiser this year. We are excited and it is going to be awesome! If your child worked on the Read At Home Bingo sheet, please share pictures!! Also, have them bring them to school by Thursday, 4/15, to get raffle tickets! Here is a copy of the documents including the BINGO Sheet

SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR: Click here to see the Books and Prices

The Fair is HERE…...April 12-16th

  1. All the books for the Book fair will be at school. Due to COVID rules, we cannot have parents on campus. So… we will be having a Book Fair ‘Take Out’ style.

  2. This Book Fair will have books, journals and pens.

  3. *Please remember, some books do sell out!

  4. The students will be able to shop in person during the week at their scheduled time each day.

  5. Payment options are- cash,check, credit cards and Scholastic E-wallet.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Caines at

 Thank you for supporting our school library.

                                                 ~ HAPPY READING

Spirit Day on Friday: This Friday dress like a Super Hero!!

Let have an awesome week!! Keep reading and bringing in those donations! I am hoping we make our goal so we can tape me to a wall. Eeek!!

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Sunday, April 4


Well, Hello April! I hope you are all having a wonderful Spring Break. At the Brooks, our break was filled with dump runs, donation drops, back yard projects and family time! It was awesome and felt productive! 

Read A Thon: This week officially kicks off our Read A Thon. Our goal is $75 per student with a school goal of $30,000. This is our one and only big fundraiser this year. We are excited and it is going to be awesome! If your child worked on the Read At Home Bingo sheet, please share pictures!! Also, have them bring them to school on Tuesday to get raffle tickets! Here is a copy of the documents including the BINGO Sheet

Scholastic Book Fair: We will have another Book Fair from 4/12-4/16. Like last time, small groups of students from each class will go to the book fair and make purchases. We will be sharing book previews and more information soon! 

Don't Forget!! Time to Order Your Yearbook NOW: If you are going to order a yearbook, do it now! We actually place our yearbook order now, so if you are going to get one, don't wait! This is a year we will never forget. Don't miss your chance to get a yearbook! 

We will have a yearbook this year and it is going to be awesome!! Luisa is spearheading it and doing an amazing job! She took all of the pictures, came up with the theme and is running with it. It is going to be a special yearbook. Don't miss out!  

You can order now:

School ID#: 12183821yearbook