Sunday, December 13, 2020

Sunday, December 13


What an exciting time of year! This year, the holidays looks so different in many ways. Our activities at school look very different. Your activities at home look different. Regardless, it is a magical time full of joy and family. Enjoy this time and enjoy the fact it is different. There is no doubt, we will all vividly remember the holidays of 2020! 

IMPORTANT: The students and staff of RCSD need your help. We are in jeopardy of losing over 1 million dollars in revenue based on the number of households that have completed the Annual Household Eligibility form so far. Important services and programs are funded through LCFF supplemental funds, which is directly correlated to our eligible families that qualify through the Annual Household Eligibility Form process. If you have not already done so, we are asking you to please take a moment and fill out the Annual Household Eligibility Form online at: The application is due by December 15, 2020. This 1-minute video explains more about the form and the funding that goes along with this form.
On Friday, we had 86 filled out. Today, we have 133! Thank you so much for taking the time to fill it out! 

Caroling Night! We have also included information and attached a flier that give out information about Caroling with your child's music teacher. 
What: RCSD Music Caroling Night 
When: December 17th, 7pm 
Where: RCSD Music Youtube livestream *The flier itself includes a hyperlink to the event. 
Thank You! Kim Foree Elementary Music Chair 

Remember: We have dress up days this week! See below for the schedule:
Have a wonderful week! 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sunday, December 6


Happy Sunday Families!! It was another wonderful week of school. Everyone has been so flexible as we navigate each new thing that comes our way. There seems to be something new everyday!! It is all good, because by working together, we can handle anything. 

Reminder: Whether your child is in person or doing distance learning, WE NEED YOUR HELP! 

Here is a link to the letter with additional information: Annual Household Eligibility Letter

Click on this link to fill out the quick and easy form: Eligibility Form

Please see the latest communication from the district:

A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Caines!! She put a ton of work into thinking outside the box for our book fair this year and it was more than a success!! Thanks to your generosity, our library will benefit from the event. The book fair was successful financially but it was also successful in other ways. The students were able to come into the library and figure out how to get the most out of their money. It was fun to watch them so proud of their decision and excited about their books. Thank you to all of you! 

Follow our PTC Facebook and Instagram pages! Our PTC is doing a phenomenal job of sharing both school and district info. To stay up to date, please follow both! 
Instagram: @stoneridgeptc
Facebook: Stoneridge PTC

Have a wonderful week! Thank you for your support and positivity!