Thursday, August 24, 2017

Stoneridge Family Blog August 25th Edition #houses #THINK

Welcome to OUR House!

If you are new to Stoneridge, you may not know about our House system. Last year, six of our teachers visited the Ron Clark Academy, and were so inspired by the House System there that we started it last year here at Stoneridge. Last May, all students here were sorted into one of four houses: Altruismo, Reveur, Isibindi, or Amistad. Each house stands for something different and is another way for students to feel connected here across grade levels. Every staff member is also in a house. The house system is a little like Hogwarts in Harry Potter, with their four houses.

The house system is also a little like nesting dolls. If you imagine Stoneridge as the largest doll, we are all proud Timberwolves and one big family! Inside the next doll you'll find our house communities (across grade level), then grade level community, classroom, then finally a close circle of friends. 

Our houses are intended to provide more connections, and although we will have house points (positive only) to recognize amazing behavior, it's not intended to be competitive or that one house is better than another. Our houses will challenge each other to be the best we can each day, and to promote leadership and citizenship school-wide. We are very excited to kick this off next week with our first HOUSE Monday! Every Monday will be House Day, and students should wear their house colors. They will sit with houses at lunch and house meetings and other fun events will happen those days as well. We look forward to sharing more in the future!

Getting Connected at Stoneridge #socialmediarocks
As you may know, there are many ways to get and stay connected at Stoneridge! We use Twitter, Facebook, Remind and our blog to celebrate kids and learning, to communicate information, and to build community with our families and the world! Click here to find out all the ways you can get connected here!

We also love utilizing social media as a way to model excellent digital citizenship as we prepare students to be positive members of a global future! With that comes responsibility-- to model positive interaction in person and online. To that end, we use the THINK model pictured above as a way to shape our interactions online, keeping them positive and supportive. Many of our families connect with Facebook, and we love our grade level groups! They are a great place to ask questions, to celebrate, and learn. Thank you for keeping those communities a place where people love to visit. If you have a concern, my door is always open! Please feel free to contact me individually by phone or email for that purpose. I don't typically see a need to moderate posts, but any posts that are not positive, thoughtful, helpful, and kind are not appropriate for that forum. Thank you for helping us model great behavior!

Love & Logic
Such a great opportunity coming up for parents! Click here to view the latest flyer for Love & Logic offered in Roseville City.

The Ice Cream social is coming!
We are also looking for parents to volunteer at the Ice Cream Social! Click here to sign up:

Got Legos?
Give your old Legos a new home. The Lego club at Stoneridge is looking for unwanted Legos to build with. Please contact JeriAnn Caines at  to help!

Community Flyers
Please click here to view the folder with any community activity flyers

Dates & Details

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Stoneridge Safety Reminders-- Drop Off & Pick Up

Good morning Stoneridge Families!

Our school year is off to a fantastic start! We are so excited to have our returning students back and also to welcome so many new families to our beautiful school on the hill! I'd like to take this opportunity to share a few reminders about drop off and pickup as we kick off our new year.

  1. In the car lines, please do not exit your car-- and do keep moving forward. If you need to get out for any reason, please park in a space and use one of our crosswalks to enter campus. This helps keep the line moving.
  2. If a car stops in front of you, please do not go around. You will likely see me or one of our staff remind the stopped car to move forward. Going around cars and getting in front can be unsafe for walking students and drivers in cars. 
  3. The handicapped spaces and the areas around them (especially the spaces near the Adventure Club end of campus) are not for student drop off. Please park or use the car line. Handicapped spaces are for our families and guests with appropriate plates or placards. Thank you for displaying them when you arrive.
  4. Drop off is allowed at the curb only. Students will not be allowed to exit from the lane away from the curb as this is our flow by lane for exiting cars.
  5. As students enter and exit campus, they should use sidewalks and crosswalks. Students should not walk unattended in the parking lot. Parents, please model for our students and use our crosswalks, too!
  6. If your child is arriving late to school, please check them in at the office for a tardy slip. As a reminder, parent drop off is not allowed at classrooms. Our staff will ensure they arrive safely to class and have a great day!
Thank you so much for your cooperation and patience! Our number one priority is student safety. Our staff is ready to greet you with a smile each day!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Go Timberwolves!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Stoneridge Family News August 18, 2017

Welcome back Stoneridge Families!

We hope you all enjoyed the red carpet treatment and dance party to start the year! We have had a great first two days and we are so impressed with the kids-- and it's only the second day of school! We hope that you find this blog to be informative. We will send it out each week on Friday via email, and it will also be posted in the Stoneridge Facebook grade level groups. We look forward to sharing and celebrating all of the amazing things happening this year.

Personally, I would like to thank you all for the warm welcome! It is an honor to serve as your principal and I am looking forward to a phenomenal year! Have a fabulous weekend!

Jennifer Kloczko

Eclipse 2017-- Blackout Day!
As you are likely aware, on Monday the 21st we are experiencing a partial solar eclipse during school hours. We will be having a spirit day-- #BLACKOUT DAY-- and all students should wear black. We are excited about the educational opportunity that we are able to provide with our students, and also are aware of the safety issues that surround exposure to the sun. First, I would like to share that all Stoneridge teachers have been provided with professional development around safety with regards to viewing the eclipse. We also have glasses for every TK-5th grade student on campus. Student safety is our first priority! Each grade level has planned grade level appropriate activities for their students which may include a brief viewing. Recess during the morning will be held inside, and the eclipse will be over before our lunch times begin. If you have questions about what your child's class will be doing that day, please contact your child's teacher directly. In Roseville, the maximum viewing time is at 10:17 am, so some classes may be outside briefly before and after that but will not be doing any prolonged viewing. Students in all grades will be well supervised all day, and I have also provided teachers with resources for experiencing the eclipse from inside their classrooms. There are so many great online resources available.

Should you be interested in volunteering in class, please contact your child's teacher directly. For parents, this will be a BYOG (bring your own glasses) event as we only have a limited amount of extras on hand.

Here are some eclipse resources for you. The students will be learning about the eclipse with many of these resources on Monday, so hopefully this will provide you with a conversation starter when your child comes home that day.