Thursday, November 30, 2017

November 30 #mathtalk #mathisfun #yearbooks

If you ask someone about math, chances are they either love it or hate it, and many will tell you they "just aren't good at it." Math is everywhere in the real world, and it usually doesn't look anything like the work we did in school as kids. As a school with an emphasis on STEAM, math is so important-- and not just memorizing algorithms. We are working hard every day to build conceptual understanding AND a love of math. Our world needs more engineers, scientists, and mathematicians, people who are passionate about math! Our students have opportunities to do real world math in school, and some students participate in Math Olympiad for even more math fun. As parents, you may wonder how to support your students in building conceptual understanding and promoting a love of math, and I'd like to share two resources with you that you may find helpful (and FUN!) at home. There is also a book you might enjoy!
A great read!

Sign up for free!

First, TableTalk Math is a free resource with fun ways to bring math into everyday conversations, including resources, mats, and more. Check out and sign up! It's filled with challenging, math-rich conversation starters, problems, and resources for families.

Another resource is the article linked here: that discusses how adding math to a child's home routine can make a difference in achievement. One tool this article highlights is -- an app and website with fun challenges for big and little kids. Here is a screenshot of today's challenge:

I hope you'll take a look at these resources, and leave a comment on this post with what you discover. Have fun!

Have you ordered your yearbook yet? Prices increase 12/31. The code is shown in image and paper flyers were sent home.

Leadership in action! 
On Saturday, Nov. 18th our Leadership Kids with Mrs. Wallace each packed at least four care packages for soldiers and brought 2 family members as well. We packed upwards of 35 boxes! The next packing party is in February. These kids and their families deserve a big round of applause!​

Spanish/Language Enrollment Interest Thank you for your replies! We have almost 100 families interested and are working with the provider on quotes for the materials and scheduling. Stay tuned! Feel free to reply if you have not yet had a chance.

Ongoing Information 

Stoneridge Shop
If you are new to Stoneridge, or a returning parent, I'd like to share the link to our Stoneridge Shop! Stoneridge Shop is a one stop shop to donate, purchase spirit wear, request the birthday board, and sign up for our before and after school enrichment sessions. You can find all this and more at . You will want to bookmark this link. HOUSE shirts are on sale now for delivery in January!

For families new to Stoneridge, we have several spirit days to participate in. Every Friday is Stoneridge spirit day and you can wear spirit wear or school colors! Every Monday is House Day and students wear their house colors. 

Community Flyers

Please click here to view the folder with any community activity flyers -- new flyers added each week!

Dates & Details
Link to open this document directly  **links will only work by clicking the doc here. You can see them in the embedded doc, but they don't open for some reason I can't figure out.**

Friday, November 17, 2017

November 17th #thankful #fooddrive #GATE #houseshirts

Check out the Stoneridge Twitter feed-- we are thankful for each other!
Stoneridge Holiday Food Drive Begins 11/28

Support our amazing music programs! Just under $2 a student district-wide and we will meet our $15,000 goal!

Jog-a-thon Update!
Final numbers are in and our jog-a-thon raised almost $47,000 to support student programs and enrichment at Stoneridge! Prize certificates will be distributed by December 1st and we are planning our glow dance party-- the whole school will be joining to celebrate! One thing I am super excited about-- 29 students had donations totaling $500 or more-- each earning lots of prizes and my favorite-- an hour with me! I can't wait! The results of the random drawings are listed below and prizes will be in soon!

Ongoing Information
Stoneridge Shop
If you are new to Stoneridge, or a returning parent, I'd like to share the link to our Stoneridge Shop! Stoneridge Shop is a one stop shop to donate, purchase spirit wear, request the birthday board, and sign up for our before and after school enrichment sessions. You can find all this and more at . You will want to bookmark this link. HOUSE shirts and new spirit wear coming soon!

For families new to Stoneridge, we have several spirit days to participate in. Every Friday is Stoneridge spirit day and you can wear spirit wear or school colors! Every Monday is House Day and students wear their house colors. 

Community Flyers

Please click here to view the folder with any community activity flyers -- new flyers added each week!

Dates & Details
Link to open this document directly  **links will only work by clicking the doc here. You can see them in the embedded doc, but they don't open for some reason I can't figure out.**

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

November 8, 2017 #renovate #celebrate #noschoolNov10 #minidaysnextweek

True confessions. I am a serious HGTV fan and I especially love Chip & Joanna Gaines on their show Fixer Upper. One of the things I love about the show is how they take a house with great bones and do a little renovation, ultimately revealing the true character, making small changes that make a huge impact to the homeowner.

This is the spirit and approach we are taking this year with events at Stoneridge-- taking some of our favorite events and doing a little renovation to make the events even better-- small changes that we hope impact and include more kids and families! With this in mind, I am thrilled to share that our first family event is our Little Ladies Masquerade Ball happening December 1st from 6:30-8:30 PM at Stoneridge! Tickets are now on sale at through November 17th. We hope you can join us!
Our event for the guys will happen later this year!

Join your little ladies at our winter masquerade. Parents, grandparents, or special adults will dance the night away with their special girl. Entry for up to two adults, one girl, a masquerade mask crafting station and snacks are included in your ticket price. Each additional girl is an extra $10. Silk corsages with school colors are also available for purchase before the event for $7. Please email Wendy Sierra-Freeburg with any questions:

Have a great weekend! Just a reminder that there is no school Friday November 10th in honor of Veterans Day, and we have minimum days all next week for family conferences. Picture retakes are the 16th.
***No enrichment classes happen during minimum day week.***

Jennifer Kloczko

Another reason to be thankful for our school community!
We have already received over 25 positive staff referrals-- some at 2 am! 
Love this!
You rock!

November is the season to be thankful! One of my favorite things to do is make positive phone calls home for kids, and teachers use a positive office referral form to share with me the names of students to be recognized. I would love to celebrate our Stoneridge staff and teachers, too! If you have a staff member or teacher you would like to thank and recognize, please send me an email or complete the form below and I will visit the staff member and share your kind words. Thank you for helping us spread kindness at our school! 

Family Conferences are coming up next week! Please click the link below to read the directions for scheduling online. Our teachers look forward to sharing your child's progress with you!
Online Scheduler Information

Volunteers Wanted: The BOOK FAIR is next week!

Can you help? Click here:

Stoneridge Shop
If you are new to Stoneridge, or a returning parent, I'd like to share the link to our Stoneridge Shop! Stoneridge Shop is a one stop shop to donate, purchase spirit wear, request the birthday board, and sign up for our before and after school enrichment sessions. You can find all this and more at . You will want to bookmark this link. HOUSE shirts and new spirit wear coming soon!

For families new to Stoneridge, we have several spirit days to participate in. Every Friday is Stoneridge spirit day and you can wear spirit wear or school colors! Every Monday is House Day and students wear their house colors. 

Community Flyers

Please click here to view the folder with any community activity flyers

Dates & Details
Link to open this document directly  **links will only work by clicking the doc here. You can see them in the embedded doc, but they don't open for some reason I can't figure out.**

Friday, November 3, 2017

Stoneridge Literary Society November 3, 2017

Click here to listen to the amazing writing of our first Stoneridge Literary Society of the 2017-18 school year! Today we had K-4th grade students in for a lunch and t hey read their stories. Longer pieces read a special Sneak Peek! You can read copies of all of their writing here
Congratulations to these fantastic authors!
Fifth grade will have a makeup day as they were at Levi Stadium for a field trip!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

November 2nd #gratitude #conferences #bookfair

I am grateful for all of you in the parking lot-- I have noticed a big improvement overall! People are waiting to cross, driving slowly, and I have not seen an illegal u-turn in a week. Thank you! Click the image below to view a funny school parking lot drop off video. I hope it makes you smile. It does link to a Facebook video, but they also have a YouTube channel. Thanks to Erin Roberts for sharing!

Another reason to be thankful for our school community!
We have already received over 20 positive staff referrals! 
You rock!

November is the season to be thankful! One of my favorite things to do is make positive phone calls home for kids, and teachers use a positive office referral form to share with me the names of students to be recognized. I would love to celebrate our Stoneridge staff and teachers, too! If you have a staff member or teacher you would like to thank and recognize, please send me an email or complete the form below and I will visit the staff member and share your kind words. Thank you for helping us spread kindness at our school! 

Family Conferences are coming up next week! Please click the link below to read the directions for scheduling online. Our teachers look forward to sharing your child's progress with you!
Online Scheduler Information

The PE Challenge winners for October 2017 are…

Amelia in second grade and Brody in fourth grade. They each will pick another student to be their PE aide. All four students will have lunch with Mrs. Rowden and Mrs. Jordan.
Amelia will be planning PE lessons for our afternoon classes and Brody will be planning PE lessons for our morning classes.
Congratulations to Amelia and Brody!!!

Also, our first timed 1/2 mile run results (2nd & 3rd grades) and mile run results (4th & 5th) are posted on the PE webpage:

Volunteers Wanted: The BOOK FAIR is coming!

Click here:

Stoneridge Shop
If you are new to Stoneridge, or a returning parent, I'd like to share the link to our Stoneridge Shop! Stoneridge Shop is a one stop shop to donate, purchase spirit wear, request the birthday board, and sign up for our before and after school enrichment sessions. You can find all this and more at . You will want to bookmark this link. HOUSE shirts and new spirit wear coming soon!

For families new to Stoneridge, we have several spirit days to participate in. Every Friday is Stoneridge spirit day and you can wear spirit wear or school colors! Every Monday is House Day and students wear their house colors. 

Community Flyers

Please click here to view the folder with any community activity flyers

Dates & Details
Link to open this document directly  **links will only work by clicking the doc here. You can see them in the embedded doc, but they don't open for some reason I can't figure out.**