Friday, December 15, 2017

December 15th #enrollment #enrichment

Happy Friday Stoneridge families! I hope you are having a wonderful week! We are looking forward to our final week of 2017 with our students and staff and looking forward to 2018! As we close out December together, I hope you are taking time to hug your family, rest, and enjoy the season. This can be a stressful time of year for kids and grown ups, so pace yourselves. To do list, parties, and more can be overwhelming. We get it! Know that we are working hard at Stoneridge to make every day count! Just a reminder that the 22nd is a minimum day for all students and Friday is also a pajama day. So much fun! 

A few things to note for the new year: first, enrollment for all RCSD schools including Stoneridge will open for the 2018-19 school year on January 11, 2018. Our school is really growing, so be sure to share with any families new to your neighborhood. Registration will be online again this year. Please watch our website for updates.

Also, enrichment signups for our next round will open up the week of January 1st. I will be communicating over the break, sharing descriptions and start and end dates for all classes. New this round we will have Stoneridge teachers leading classes, donating their time. More information to follow!

Have a great weekend!

Winter-a-thon PE Challenge!

PLEASE join your child in the FAMILY PE Challenge. Ask your child about it and watch for their log sheet to arrive home soon.

Together log MINUTES during the month of January to add up to 8 hours (480 minutes). It can be any aerobic activity...walk, bike, skate, hike, swim...even count the distances covered in any sports game. PLUS, any inside gym exercises...push ups, sit ups, jump rope, hula hooping, etc. Approximate minutes will be add them up.

Completing the PE challenge will earn your child a 26.2 Mileage Club Charm and a chance to be in a drawing to win “PE” teacher for a morning or afternoon.

For more information go to the PE webpage and click on the tab “Challenges” for more details:


Have you ordered your yearbook yet? Prices increase 12/31. The code is shown in image and paper flyers were sent home.

2018 GATE Testing Information

Spanish/Language Enrollment Interest Thank you for your replies! We have almost 100 families interested and are working with the provider on quotes for the materials and scheduling. Stay tuned! Feel free to reply if you have not yet had a chance.

Ongoing Information 

Stoneridge Shop
If you are new to Stoneridge, or a returning parent, I'd like to share the link to our Stoneridge Shop! Stoneridge Shop is a one stop shop to donate, purchase spirit wear, request the birthday board, and sign up for our before and after school enrichment sessions. You can find all this and more at . You will want to bookmark this link. HOUSE shirts are on sale now for delivery in January!

For families new to Stoneridge, we have several spirit days to participate in. Every Friday is Stoneridge spirit day and you can wear spirit wear or school colors! Every Monday is House Day and students wear their house colors. 

Community Flyers

Dates & Details
Link to open this document directly  **links will only work by clicking the doc here. You can see them in the embedded doc, but they don't open for some reason I can't figure out.**

Friday, December 8, 2017

December 8th #becoolintheparkinglot #winterishere

Be Cool In the Parking Lot

It's beautiful outside and it's starting to feel like winter! As we approach the break, I'd like to share a few reminders with you to keep our students and families safe in and around our parking lot and school. I do notice overall some improvement, but there are still some items that continue to be unsafe and/or illegal that I'd like to address. I know it may sound like a broken record, but our kids and their safety are so important. I'm hoping we can all smile, follow traffic laws, and use common courtesy.
  1. No dogs are allowed on any RCSD campuses. We have had parents bringing dogs to drop off and pickup and this is not safe for the dogs, adults, or students.
  2. The entrance by the front marquis is not an exit (where I stand in the morning). I have noticed many cars exiting there, particularly for Bucket Band dropoff. The exit is down by the preschool exit and marquis.
  3. The upper gate closes at 8:45 when the warning bell rings. School starts at 8:50. If you arrive after 8:45, please drive down to the main entrance in front of the school. The main gate remains open for students in all grades. *Do not drop off in the red zone in front of the office. That is a fire lane*
  4. No u-turns are allowed in the middle of surrounding streets. It is unsafe and illegal.
  5. Please do not drive around cars in the drop off or pickup lines-- we will keep the line moving. Thank you for waiting.
  6. If you are dropping off at Adventure Club, and need to get out, you must park. Please do not exit your vehicle in the drop off line.

PE Guest Teachers & Aides!
Here are a couple of photos and videos of some of our students who were guest PE teachers and PE aides recently.The PE teachers had so much fun with your kids! We sure hope they had fun!


Have you ordered your yearbook yet? Prices increase 12/31. The code is shown in image and paper flyers were sent home.

2018 GATE Testing Information

Spanish/Language Enrollment Interest Thank you for your replies! We have almost 100 families interested and are working with the provider on quotes for the materials and scheduling. Stay tuned! Feel free to reply if you have not yet had a chance.

Ongoing Information 

Stoneridge Shop
If you are new to Stoneridge, or a returning parent, I'd like to share the link to our Stoneridge Shop! Stoneridge Shop is a one stop shop to donate, purchase spirit wear, request the birthday board, and sign up for our before and after school enrichment sessions. You can find all this and more at . You will want to bookmark this link. HOUSE shirts are on sale now for delivery in January!

For families new to Stoneridge, we have several spirit days to participate in. Every Friday is Stoneridge spirit day and you can wear spirit wear or school colors! Every Monday is House Day and students wear their house colors. 

Community Flyers

Dates & Details
Link to open this document directly  **links will only work by clicking the doc here. You can see them in the embedded doc, but they don't open for some reason I can't figure out.**

Girls On The Run Kickoff! #GOTR

Girls on the Run will be starting up in February 2018!
For those that don’t know about the program, this will be the 5th year at Stoneridge!
Registration will open January 22nd

Girls on the Run is our program for girls in 3rd-5th grade that encourages girls to recognize their individual strengths and celebrate connections with others. And you do not need to be a runner to participate! Each season, girls gain a better understanding of who they are and what's important to them, the value of teamwork and healthy relationships and how they can have a positive impact on the world. Girls also make a meaningful contribution to their community through a team-organized Community Impact Project. Physical activity is woven into the program to inspire an appreciation for fitness and healthy habits and teach life skills including treating others with care, practicing gratitude and managing emotions. Each season culminates with a Girls on the Run 5K event. This celebratory, non-competitive event provides girls with a sense of accomplishment and instills the value of goal setting at a young age.

The 10-week season runs from February 12 through May 12. Our current program fee is $165 per girl. This includes:

▪ 10 weeks/20 lessons led by trained coaches (all coaching teams are background checked and have CPR/First Aid certification)

▪ A healthy snack at each practice

▪ All curriculum materials

▪ Girls on the Run Program t-shirts

▪ Girls on the Run water bottle

▪ Registration for Girls on the Run 5K event

▪ Girls on the Run 5K medal

Scholarships are available. For more information, please check out this great blog post on the GOTR side with accompanying video:

  • January 22 Registration opens
  • February 12 Spring 2018 season start week
  • February 16 Registration closes
  • May 12 GOTR 5K
Jen Hall, Coach

GOTR Stoneridge

Operation Spread the Love #familiesinneed #5thgrade #kindkidsclub

A message from our Stoneridge 5th grade team

Dear Fifth Grade Families,

As you might have heard, our 5th graders are part of “Kind Kids’ Club”, brought to us by our amazing new principal, Mrs. Kloczko. We will be bringing kindness to others by “adopting” three families for the holidays. Your participation is completely voluntary. Anything you choose to donate will be delivered in time for Christmas, which all three families celebrate. Listed below are the ages, sizes and needs/wants of each family member. Labeled boxes will be in Mrs. Santos’s room (room 27), should you wish to drop off any donations. Families are happily accepting gently used items as well as new.

Before anyone goes shopping, we would like to collect gently used/previously loved items that the families would find useful. Feel free to send in any of the items listed below that are clean and ready to be rehomed. Once we inventory donations, students will have an opportunity to choose an item that they’d like to shop for.

Our timeline is as follows:
December 11-14: Clean, gently used items will be accepted.
December 15: Students will choose a “ticket” for an item to be purchased.
December 18-20: New, unwrapped items should be delivered to Stoneridge.
December 21-22: Operation Spread the Love Wrap Fest. *
*We will need wrapping paper and tape for this event. Have extra? Please send it our way.
Again, your family’s participation is completely voluntary. It is our hope that our Timberwolves will head off to Winter break with a new appreciation for all that they have and a special place in their heart for giving to those in need. Regardless of your family’s holiday beliefs, we all wish you a restful break with your amazing children.

Please send any questions to Mrs. Santos at Thank you!

Family 1:
12year old boy, 7th grade:
  • Clothing size 14-16, prefers athletic wear
  • Shoes size 8
  • Favorite color: green
  • Wish: basketball, hoop, light for his bicycle, Nintendo
    • Needs:light for bike, twin bed frame (has mattress)
  • Loves to be outside

Mom: cleans banks PM, babysits during the day
  • Shirt size Size L/XL
  • Shoes size 9.5
  • Pants 31” waist/ size 12
  • Wants sweater, no red
  • Pull-over sweatshirt
  • Needs purse

Family Wishes:
  • GC for haircuts
  • GCs to Walmart, Panda Express
  • Queen sized bedding (pink or blue)

Family 2:
12 year old boy, 7th grade:
  • Pants size 18
  • Shirts size 16
  • Shoes size 6.5
  • Boxers size large
  • Favorite color: green
  • Wish: computer (chromebook?), books in Spanish or graphic novels

8 year old girl, 3rd grade:
  • Clothing size 6-7
  • Shoe size 13
  • Underwear size 6
  • Wish: Hatchimal, playhouse or play kitchen, princess books
  • Loves princesses

1 year old boy:
  • Clothing size 18-24 months
  • Shoe size 6
  • Needs: Highchair, stroller
  • Wish: blocks, board books, age appropriate toys

  • Clothing size medium:
  • Shoe size 7
  • Wish: turquoise tennis shoes, a manicure (GC in Lincoln)
  • Favorite color: Blue

  • Clothing size large
  • Shoe size 8

Family Wishes:
  • A television (new or used)
  • Family games
  • Throw blankets
  • GCs to Walmart, Panda Express, Target

Family 3:
13yo boy, 7th grade
  • Clothing sizes: 16-18 or adult medium
  • Shoe size: 6
  • Favorite color: black
  • Wish: Mario games (3DS), UNO, chromebook, Starbucks GC (He’s never had Starbucks)
  • Bed size: twin
  • Needs: Dresser

  • Shirt XL
  • Pants 16
  • Shoes 7
  • Favorite color Blue
  • Wish: Tennis shoes
  • Bed Size: Queen

  • Shirt medium/large
  • Pants 33/32
  • Shoe 9

Family wishes:
  • Sofa
  • Gift Cards to: Target,   
  • Walmart, Jack in the Box,
  • Family games