Sunday, February 25, 2018

February 25 #safety

Dear Stoneridge Families,

Many of you have reached out in regards to school safety and although each school has an extensive Safety Plan document approved each year, there are also concerns about the day to day safety of students and staff on our campus. School safety is an ongoing priority, and any local or national events alway provide us with an opportunity to examine our own practices and make improvements. In addition to our plans for fire, earthquake, intruders, evacuations, and other emergencies, school safety is also made up of many little things that have a huge impact on keeping all students and staff safe at school. This begins in the parking lot with safe arrivals and driving safely when entering and leaving campus. At one of my former schools, a car went through the side of the building-- a pure accident, and no one was hurt, but it was truly a parent rushing to drop off a forgotten lunch-- and was distracted while driving in our lot. Some of the most unsafe driving happens in our lot between 8:45 and 8:50 when parents are rushing to be on time. It is better in the long run to be a minute or two late if need be than to risk student or parent safety by cutting someone off in the drop off line or letting your child out in the middle of the lot. Even leaving a few minutes earlier can allow for a safer drop off.

With regards to drop off, all gates are closed by 8:50 and if students arrive after that time, they should enter campus through the office. Parents needing to be on campus at any time will need to come through the office to check in, and no parent drop off is allowed at classrooms. It is very important that we know who is on our campus at all times. Related to that, we have also taken a look at our procedures when visitors are on campus and you may notice it takes a little longer to check in the next time you come. Please allow extra time if needed. We will be verifying volunteer clearance and if you are coming for a one-time event you will want to allow time to complete the level 1 form before you head to class if you haven't already. Any volunteers who are on campus regularly must be fingerprinted. As our office staff checks you in, please be patient and know that the extra time spent is so important to our overall campus safety.

Thank you for your cooperation as we work to improve our day to day safety procedures.

Jennifer Kloczko

Did you get your tickets to Casino Night yet? 
There are still a few left! Get yours now and pick up an amazing Golden Ticket! Tickets will be available this Wed-Fri before school at the table out front as well until they are gone! 

Dates & Details
Link to open this document directly  **links will only work by clicking the doc here. You can see them in the embedded doc, but they don't open for some reason I can't figure out.**

Ongoing Information 


Have you ordered your yearbook yet? The code is shown in image and paper flyers were sent home.

Stoneridge Shop
If you are new to Stoneridge, or a returning parent, I'd like to share the link to our Stoneridge Shop! Stoneridge Shop is a one stop shop to donate, purchase spirit wear, request the birthday board, and sign up for our before and after school enrichment sessions. You can find all this and more at . You will want to bookmark this link. HOUSE shirts are on sale now for delivery in January!

For families new to Stoneridge, we have several spirit days to participate in. Every Friday is Stoneridge spirit day and you can wear spirit wear or school colors! Every Monday is House Day and students wear their house colors. 

Community Flyers

Monday, February 19, 2018

February 19th

As I write this post and reflect on recent events, I am feeling so mindful of the important work that we do in our schools as we prepare students for their future. I am also so aware of the great responsibility we hold in helping students feel happy, loved, and safe while at school. We do this work on many fronts, from explicitly teaching kids about kindness and empathy, to helping our students be mindful and providing them opportunities to learn to problem solve and manage stress-- all skills needed by children and adults to be successful in our ever changing world. Helping students feel safe also includes everything from learning student's names and helping them to feel part of our community and school family, to practicing emergency drills so that students know what to do in the even of a natural disaster or lockdown. Last month, our Stoneridge School Site Council approved our updated safety plan which includes everything from school-wide expectations to detailed procedures for everything from fire to floods to lockdown drills. Every drill we practice provides us with the opportunity to improve our systems and be prepared. Districtwide, specific practices and procedures are in place for notifying families in the event of the emergency so that families are kept well informed in the event of an emergency. And although sometimes our future seems uncertain, our staff is so grateful each day to spend our days with your children. They are the leaders of our tomorrow and as I watch them each day as they learn, communicate, and engage with each other I feel so hopeful that our future is in their hands. Thank you for sharing your students with us!

Dates & Details
Link to open this document directly  **links will only work by clicking the doc here. You can see them in the embedded doc, but they don't open for some reason I can't figure out.**

Ongoing Information 


Have you ordered your yearbook yet? The code is shown in image and paper flyers were sent home.

Stoneridge Shop
If you are new to Stoneridge, or a returning parent, I'd like to share the link to our Stoneridge Shop! Stoneridge Shop is a one stop shop to donate, purchase spirit wear, request the birthday board, and sign up for our before and after school enrichment sessions. You can find all this and more at . You will want to bookmark this link. HOUSE shirts are on sale now for delivery in January!

For families new to Stoneridge, we have several spirit days to participate in. Every Friday is Stoneridge spirit day and you can wear spirit wear or school colors! Every Monday is House Day and students wear their house colors. 

Community Flyers

Saturday, February 10, 2018

February 9th #Ilovereading #GSPD2018 #pennies

What an amazing start to the month of February! We had an incredible day with Erin Dealey on Friday and she brought energy and inspiration about reading and writing to two assemblies and book signings with students. On Wednesday, we joined almost 400,000 kids worldwide On Global School Play Day-- what a fabulous day! If you heard about it from your child, please leave a comment on this post. We would love to hear their favorite part. I've included pictures below so you can share in the joy of these two days. 

Also, just a reminder that there is no school on February 12th or 19th in honor of Lincoln's Birthday and President's Day, respectively. On the 13th and 20th we will wear house colors on Tuesday and celebrate the winning house at 8:45 Tuesday morning in the quad. 

Finally, Pennies For Patients is well underway! Your child should have a box, and you can also donate online by your child's house! Just search by classroom at  -- the houses are:
Blue: Reveur
Red: Amistad
Green: Isibindi
Black: Altruismo
We are hoping to raise $4,500 as a school. Enjoy your weekend! It's beautiful out there!

Dates & Details
Link to open this document directly  **links will only work by clicking the doc here. You can see them in the embedded doc, but they don't open for some reason I can't figure out.**

Ongoing Information 

We are so excited to share that Stoneridge will be participating this year in Global School Play Day this week!


Have you ordered your yearbook yet? The code is shown in image and paper flyers were sent home.

Stoneridge Shop
If you are new to Stoneridge, or a returning parent, I'd like to share the link to our Stoneridge Shop! Stoneridge Shop is a one stop shop to donate, purchase spirit wear, request the birthday board, and sign up for our before and after school enrichment sessions. You can find all this and more at . You will want to bookmark this link. HOUSE shirts are on sale now for delivery in January!

For families new to Stoneridge, we have several spirit days to participate in. Every Friday is Stoneridge spirit day and you can wear spirit wear or school colors! Every Monday is House Day and students wear their house colors. 

Community Flyers

Sunday, February 4, 2018

February 2 #casinonight #penniesforpatients #pechallenge #GSPD

Casino Night Tickets Are On Sale Now
Check out this amazing commercial!

Pennies For Patients Is Happening Now!

Inline image 1

​Dear Stoneridge Families,
We are so excited to once again be a part of the Pennies for Patients Student Series!
You should have received for each of your children, a collection box and an informational flyer.
Our school-wide goal is $4,500. I'm confident that with everyone's help we can reach it. Did you know you can make a donation online? Check out the LLS website shown on the flyer. Maybe you have family and friends who would love to help but live far away. This is a perfect way to help.
We will be holding a Dollar Day next Friday, February 9 before school near the flag pole. For each dollar donated, an "I'm Helping Beat Cancer" sticker will be placed on our Wall of Hope in the cafeteria in your child's name. Let's try to place 611 stickers all over that wall!
For the next 3 weeks, please send your child's full collection box to school and we will count the donations! ​We can all celebrate when we reach our goal of $4,500.00.

Thank you for your support!

PE Challenge winners for January 2018 are…
Miles in first grade and Enzo in fifth grade. They each will pick another student to be their PE aide.
All four students will have lunch with Mrs. Rowden and Mrs. Jordan.  Miles will be planning PE lessons for our afternoon classes and Enzo will be planning PE lessons for our morning classes.
Congratulations to Miles and Enzo!!!
Also, our January timed 1/2 mile run results (2nd & 3rd grades) and mile run results (4th & 5th) are posted on the PE webpage:

Dates & Details
Link to open this document directly  **links will only work by clicking the doc here. You can see them in the embedded doc, but they don't open for some reason I can't figure out.**

Ongoing Information 

We are so excited to share that Stoneridge will be participating this year in Global School Play Day this week!


Have you ordered your yearbook yet? The code is shown in image and paper flyers were sent home.

Stoneridge Shop
If you are new to Stoneridge, or a returning parent, I'd like to share the link to our Stoneridge Shop! Stoneridge Shop is a one stop shop to donate, purchase spirit wear, request the birthday board, and sign up for our before and after school enrichment sessions. You can find all this and more at . You will want to bookmark this link. HOUSE shirts are on sale now for delivery in January!

For families new to Stoneridge, we have several spirit days to participate in. Every Friday is Stoneridge spirit day and you can wear spirit wear or school colors! Every Monday is House Day and students wear their house colors. 

Community Flyers