We just hit $35,000!
Thank you so much to our Stoneridge families, friends, and sponsors! At the end of last week, we were at $32,000, and after today we are up to $35,000! Wow! That's $3,000 in just 3 days-- amazing! We celebrated with an AWESOME glow party after hitting the $10,000 mark and we are well on our way to reaching our final $50,000 goal. Kids have earned a spacial bag tag, we'll be having a pizza party, and an extra recess... YAY!!! We are still accepting donations both online and at school. Thank you for helping us STEAM up Stoneridge with new Chromebooks and our amazing science docent program. With just $15,000 more, we can finish out the Chromebooks, Ipads, Science Docent and UKELELES! And a special thank you to teachers who have planned fun incentives for their classes. Thank you for helping us to have fun and raise money for the best kids on the planet!
Parent Conferences November 5th-9th
Next week, we will be on a minimum day schedule all week long for parent/teacher conferences. Every fall, teachers conference with every family to share student growth and celebrate successes! We look forward to seeing you next week and teachers are excited to share how far your child has come this year. Thank you for being such an important part of your child's education! School will be dismissed at 12:30 each day next week. Students will still have a lunch time at school and hot lunch will be served.
What's New From Food Services?
Food services has some exciting news -- starting November 5th there will be three choices on the lunch menu, and one will always be a vegetarian option. We are excited to expand the choices from the kitchen. Also, we are exploring the possibility of offering breakfast each day at Stoneridge. We would need about 50 families to participate in order for it to be a go at our school. Please complete this brief form to help us gauge interest in having a breakfast program at Stoneridge. Completing this form does not obligate you to purchase breakfast, but does help us to see if we have sufficient interest in the program. We have also included the menu from Thomas Jefferson where they have just started a breakfast program so you can get an idea about the offerings.
GATE Update
2019 GATE Identification
The 2019-2020 school year GATE identification test will be administered at the District Office for students currently in 2nd – 7th grade. The students will take the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, OLSAT, that tests abstract thinking and reasoning ability. Students must attend one of the testing dates on the OLSAT Parent Permission Form in order to complete the testing by the district. The Parent Permission Forms will be made available on November 1, 2018 on our district website @ www.rcsdk8.org under the “Parent” tab. All forms must be returned to the District Office by January 11, 2019 if you would like your student tested. There are no exceptions as materials are ordered based on the number of returned forms. Make sure you check the RCSD website for more information regarding GATE services and testing. Click on the Main Menu and then under Programs – Gifted and Talented Education.
Upcoming Dates & Details
October 31 All school costume parade 10:30
October 31 .Last day for coat donations in office for the Lyon's Coat Drive
November 1st & 2nd No School- RCSD Professional Development Days
November 5th-9th Minimum Days for parent conferences (school dismissed at 12:30 grades TK-5)
November 5th-9th BOOK FAIR!
November 12th No School in honor of Veterans Day
November 19-23 No School- Thanksgiving Week
November 30th Little Ladies Night!
Have a FANTASTIC week!