Happy Monday, Families!! There will be a lot of information coming this week. We will likely have to send more than one email.
This week includes:
Holy cow!!!
Our conference week schedule is as follows:
Mini Day (Conference Week- Nov.4-8)
Grades K – 5th ~ 8:50 -12:30 p.m.
8:35 Bell - Students may enter grounds
8:45 Warning Bell/ALL Kinders Arrive 8:50 Instruction Begins
10:50-11:00 Recess
11:40-12:05 Kinder Lunch
11:40-12:05 1st & 2nd Lunch
12:05-12:30 3rd, 4th, 5th Lunch
12:30 Bell - Dismissal
We still need some volunteers for the book fair.
Please see here: Volunteer Sign Up
November 4-8: Book Fair Hours
M, T, W and TH 11:30-5
Friday 11:30-1:30
Special hours for parents only M, T, & W 8am-8:30am
Jog A Thon 2019
We are at one third of our school goal for donations. Please click here to donate: Jog Donations
We would like to get a new outdoor sound system so we can continue our weekly flag ceremonies before school!
Keep your eyes out for our School Site Council Nominations! They will be shared later this week for you to vote. Thank you to those who put their names in!
Lost and Found!! Lost and found items are hanging on the front fence. Please take a look for missing items when you are on campus for conferences. Items will be donated over Thanksgiving Break.
Upcoming Dates:
Nov. 4-8: Conference Week and Book Fair
Nov. 8: Jog A Thon and Rubio's Spirit Night Nov. 8: Nov. 11: No School~ Veteran's Day
Nov. 13: Costa Vida Spirit Night
Nov. 14: Picture Retake and SKATE NIGHT!!!
Nov. 25-29: Thanksgiving Break