It is CARNIVAL Week!!!
During carnival week, your to-do list includes:
1) Sign up for your parent volunteer time slot. Volunteer Here
2) Buy your wristbands:
3) Request that Mother Nature does not send the wind.
4) Come and have a blast on Friday, 5/3, from 5-8pm!
Kona Ice will be here TOMORROW!
Kona Ice will be here TUESDAY, APRIL 30th to
FUNDRAISE with Stoneridge
$3/Small $5/Large
Students and families simply purchase a Kona and Kona Ice will DONATE 30% of the sales to your Pennies for Patients Drive!
YEARBOOKS!!! We have a few extra yearbooks for $35. If you don't have one yet, buy one soon! They will not last long. Order them in the front office.
Checks payable to: Stoneridge Elementary