Sunday, December 13, 2020

Sunday, December 13


What an exciting time of year! This year, the holidays looks so different in many ways. Our activities at school look very different. Your activities at home look different. Regardless, it is a magical time full of joy and family. Enjoy this time and enjoy the fact it is different. There is no doubt, we will all vividly remember the holidays of 2020! 

IMPORTANT: The students and staff of RCSD need your help. We are in jeopardy of losing over 1 million dollars in revenue based on the number of households that have completed the Annual Household Eligibility form so far. Important services and programs are funded through LCFF supplemental funds, which is directly correlated to our eligible families that qualify through the Annual Household Eligibility Form process. If you have not already done so, we are asking you to please take a moment and fill out the Annual Household Eligibility Form online at: The application is due by December 15, 2020. This 1-minute video explains more about the form and the funding that goes along with this form.
On Friday, we had 86 filled out. Today, we have 133! Thank you so much for taking the time to fill it out! 

Caroling Night! We have also included information and attached a flier that give out information about Caroling with your child's music teacher. 
What: RCSD Music Caroling Night 
When: December 17th, 7pm 
Where: RCSD Music Youtube livestream *The flier itself includes a hyperlink to the event. 
Thank You! Kim Foree Elementary Music Chair 

Remember: We have dress up days this week! See below for the schedule:
Have a wonderful week! 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sunday, December 6


Happy Sunday Families!! It was another wonderful week of school. Everyone has been so flexible as we navigate each new thing that comes our way. There seems to be something new everyday!! It is all good, because by working together, we can handle anything. 

Reminder: Whether your child is in person or doing distance learning, WE NEED YOUR HELP! 

Here is a link to the letter with additional information: Annual Household Eligibility Letter

Click on this link to fill out the quick and easy form: Eligibility Form

Please see the latest communication from the district:

A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Caines!! She put a ton of work into thinking outside the box for our book fair this year and it was more than a success!! Thanks to your generosity, our library will benefit from the event. The book fair was successful financially but it was also successful in other ways. The students were able to come into the library and figure out how to get the most out of their money. It was fun to watch them so proud of their decision and excited about their books. Thank you to all of you! 

Follow our PTC Facebook and Instagram pages! Our PTC is doing a phenomenal job of sharing both school and district info. To stay up to date, please follow both! 
Instagram: @stoneridgeptc
Facebook: Stoneridge PTC

Have a wonderful week! Thank you for your support and positivity!

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sunday, November 29


Love this! Pretty fitting these days! We definitely appreciate how all of you 'roll with it.'

Happy Sunday Families! November flew by and now we are heading into December. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving week. My family's Thanksgiving definitely looked different but we enjoyed the time together. We also watched a movie together every night! Special times- for sure!

Book Fair: November 30-December 4

The book fair is this week! Check out the site and preview what is available. You can make purchases on line or the students can purchase in person. Check out the videos included in Timberwolf TV!

Stoneridge Book Fair

Music Corner

Video Message from Mrs. Vaaler

SAVE THE DATE! RCSD Caroling Night will be December 17th at 7PM. Get cozy with your family and tune in to our holiday sing-along on the RCSD Music Youtube channel. We'll teach you the songs ahead of time in the Community Song portion of your December lessons.

Online Absence Reporting:

We now have online absence reporting available on the RCSD home page. It is available under Parent Resources. (See image below) This link should take you directly to the form: Online Absence Reporting

Sees Candy Fundraiser:
Many of you have taken advantage of our Sees candy fundraiser. This is just a reminder in case you wanted to buy some candy for family or friends. Sees candy is always a holiday favorite! 

Hand Sanitizer Donations: 

Our classrooms would greatly appreciate hand sanitizer donations! We all know it is tough to find right now, but if you happen to come across some, we would be so thankful. In order to use the hand sanitizer in our classrooms, it must follow these guidelines:

  • Gel hand sanitizer only, no liquid sanitizer.
  • Minimum alcohol content should be 60%, preferred is 70-75%
  • Sanitizer should not contain methanol (wood alcohol) - serious health implications, especially for children.  FDA has a "do-not-use" list.
  • Larger sizes 16.9 oz, 33 oz, or gallon sized should have pumps for ease of use.  Smaller sizes may not be as easy to use but can still be donated.
  • Please avoid too many additives (scents, moisturizers, etc) to avoid allergic reactions.
  • Please have a single point of contact for hand sanitizer donations in order to ensure it meets the standards before it is distributed to the classrooms.

Have a great week!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sunday, November 22


From our school family to all of your families, we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving! Have wonderful week with your family and a special Thanksgiving Day! 

The Book Fair is here after break! Next Sunday, I will share additional information and videos. Here is the link, so you can take a peek! 
Stoneridge Book Fair

Some quick updates:

During the Thanksgiving break, if your child is experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, which may be consistent with the COVID-19 illness, and/or if your child is being tested for a COVID-19 or tests positive for COVID-19, please complete this absence form immediately.  Our district’s nursing staff will follow-up with your family before Monday, November 30th regarding illness.



~ Fever/ Chills

~ Dry Cough

~ Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing

~ New loss of taste or smell

~ Headache

~ Fatigue (tiredness)

~ Nausea or vomiting

~ Diarrhea

~ Sore throat

~ Muscle aches

~ Congestion or runny nose

Communication from the District:

Links from the document above:

Covid Testing
Guidance on Prevention During Gatherings

Travel Advisory for Non-Essential Travel

Hand Sanitizer Donations: 

Our classrooms would greatly appreciate hand sanitizer donations! We all know it is tough to find right now, but if you happen to come across some, we would be so thankful. In order to use the hand sanitizer in our classrooms, it must follow these guidelines:

  • Gel hand sanitizer only, no liquid sanitizer.
  • Minimum alcohol content should be 60%, preferred is 70-75%
  • Sanitizer should not contain methanol (wood alcohol) - serious health implications, especially for children.  FDA has a "do-not-use" list.
  • Larger sizes 16.9 oz, 33 oz, or gallon sized should have pumps for ease of use.  Smaller sizes may not be as easy to use but can still be donated.
  • Please avoid too many additives (scents, moisturizers, etc) to avoid allergic reactions.
  • Please have a single point of contact for hand sanitizer donations in order to ensure it meets the standards before it is distributed to the classrooms.
We are lucky to have such an amazing community and are thankful for all of you! Have a restful break!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

November 15, 2020


Hello Families! We are about to embark on our first full week of school (5 whole days!) since returning to the classroom. Then, we have a week off for Thanksgiving. I am grateful to have our students back in the classrooms and thankful for our teachers and staff who are supporting them each day. We have an amazing community. 

Remember: See's Candy-Just in time for the holidays!

We do have another fundraiser going on right now and it benefits both you and the school! The holidays are approaching and you may need an easy gift. What is better than some See's candy!?! 
See here for the website to order: See's Candy for Stoneridge

Please see the latest communication from the district below.
Check out this updated information: There is now a COVID 19-Dashboard, please fill out the meal application and see Guidelines document to reopen and remain open. 

Have a great week! 

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Sunday, November 8


Happy Sunday Families! This is how we are feeling these days! Again, thank you for all you are doing to support the transition back. 

First, our website has been updated and I wanted to share a trick with you. On our website, you will see the calendar if you scroll down a bit. It is to the left of the 'Latest News.' When you click on the calendar, the month will pop up. You can add this calendar to your own Google calendar and easily stay up to date with school events. See the image below for where to click:

Hey, whatever we can do to be in the know without having to think too much about it or search through emails-- is helpful, in my opinion!! 

I wanted to share the two PTC opportunities we have going on right now. 
First, is the one and done fundraiser. Give one donation and be done! Nothing more to sorry about. We have gotten quite a few of these and are very appreciative!
See's Candy-Just in time for the holidays!
We do have another fundraiser going on right now and it benefits both you and the school! The holidays are approaching and you may need an easy gift. What is better than some See's candy!?! 
See here for the website to order: See's Candy for Stoneridge

Please see here for the latest communication from the district:

Reminder: No School Wednesday, November 11th in honor of Veteran's Day!

See you tomorrow!

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Sunday, November 1

 Happy Sunday Families! 

I am pretty sure we have all seen this one! Did it work? Nah, but we do get to come back to school! That is a step in the right direction!

Here is our daily schedule. I have shared it before, but I want to make sure everyone has it.

Procedures for drop off and pick up: Please pick one of the 4 open gates in the morning to drop your students. Before you pick up after school, be sure to discuss where you will be picking up. 

Back to School Videos: Please watch these videos with your children. They explain some of the expected procedures when returning to school. Teachers will be reviewing these procedures with the students, as well. 

Here is the Entering School video.

The Entering the Classroom/Washing hands video.

And finally, the Bathroom video. 

Fundraisers: Our wonderful PTC has decided to offer a one and done fundraiser option. What that means is no anything-a-thon, no Benefit for the Arts, no Carnival, no guilt for not 'dining out'-- NADA! We are not saying those are not wonderful events. What we are saying is-- how nice would it be to write one check and call it good?!? I think that sounds pretty darn good right now, I don't know about you:) The following flier will be sent home with students. You can make your donation at any time!

Of course, that being said, we do have a dine out scheduled and the timing is perfect, if I do say so myself! We have partnered with Chick-Fil-A for a celebratory fundraiser on Nov. 4th! Whether your kids are back in the classroom, or in Champions, the first day is a great day to celebrate with a special dinner. Chick-Fil-A will share part of the proceeds with Stoneridge for all APP orders on November 4th. I will be getting dinner, for sure!

Enjoy Monday and Tuesday with no school! I am sure you have already, but take those computers and hide them for the next two days. Enjoy the break! 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Sunday, October 25

Happy Sunday!

How excited are we for all of these incredible changes?!? We cannot wait to see smiling faces in our classrooms very soon. 

In the meantime, we are busy busy putting procedure and rituals in place to keep everyone safe! 

As I mentioned in the Friday video, this will be our schedule. 


Early~ 8:15-11:15am /  Late~ 10:15am-1:15pm

1st - 5th:


Please see the latest information from the district:

Also, please watch this video about safety procedures and read this informative document:

Exciting!!  New gear - just in time for back to school: 

As you have seen on Timberwolf TV, we have some new 'merch.' (That is what the YouTubers call it.) The gators are PERFECT for the students coming back to school! My kindergartener has not taken hers off, and like I mentioned, my boys are begging for one. I have also gotten quite a few compliments on my 'Masked Timberwolf' t-shirt. It is pretty awesome, at least according to me! Get your new Stoneridge merch at:

Chromebook Return:

If you are coming back to in person instruction, please bring your borrowed Chromebook AND CHARGER to the Stoneridge Office on Friday(10/30), Monday(11/2) or Tuesday(11/3). We are collecting the Chromebooks and putting them back in the classrooms for our students. Your child will be using the same Chromebook they are using now and they will always use that same device in the classroom. One of the many safety measures we are putting in place. 

Ok, keep doing great this last week of distance learning!! We will be working hard to get everything ready and I know you will be doing the same! We can't wait!!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday, Oct. 18

 It must be Sunday again! Time for the blog.

At the beginning of the year, our staff chose a hashtag that represented their own personal motto. One of mine was #usepencil because everything we do, or try to do, changes-- In 2020, anyway. As soon as we think we know what to expect and think we have things planned, there is an 180 degree shift. So, I suggest using pencil! What would be your hashtag for this year? 
Regardless, I think the best thing we all can do right now is take small steps and keep moving forward. And, to focus on what we can control. 
On Thursday, our school board voted on a plan for coming back to school in November. The good news is, our county is in a place where coming back to school 5 days is an option. As I am sure you know, the outcome of the meeting is that we will be coming back to school 5 days a week for 5 hours a day.  (3 hours a day for kindergarten) We are beyond excited to have students back in their classrooms! That being said, the only way we will be able to keep the students in their seats is by creating and following very thoughtful sanitizing and hand washing procedures. We will be sharing videos of what those procedures will look like in the next couple weeks. 

Please see this most recent update from the district here:
Please notice that in #3 it says you will need to fill out an intradistrict transfer form if you would like to change your original program selection. You have until Monday, 10/19, at midnight to submit the form. 
The form is here: Intradistrict Transfer

Here are some details that will be shared soon:
1) The week of Oct. 26th, we will share teacher information and our daily schedule. 
2) Videos about the daily expectations when we return.
3) A school supply list of what you can get for your student's return to the classroom. They will have a set of things in the classroom and a set of things at home. 

As always, please reach out with questions! 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday, Oct. 11

 Hello Families!!

I thought this quote was particularly fitting as we are on the cusp of change. At school, we are busy putting class lists, schedules and safety protocols into place. At home, I am sure you are navigating childcare and changed routines. Together, we will work through this change and it will be great! Whether you chose hybrid or distance learning, a lot of thought and planning is going into every detail. Be on the lookout for more information. 

This is the message that came from our district. It includes important dates and information:
Upcoming Events:
Monday, 10/12, is a Dine Out at Big Spoon Yogurt! It is a class competition! Stop by, get a treat, and mention your teacher. I cannot wait to see what class wins! 

There is also a big fundraiser that supports our RCSD students: 

We are so thankful for our Stoneridge community. You are all so quick to share positive messages and extremely generous. We will be sharing updates and information as it comes available. 
As always, reach out with questions or concerns!

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sunday, October 4

 Happy Sunday Stoneridge Families! 

I want to take the opportunity to thank all of you! We are all going through a lot and it is not easy. Throughout everything, you have been so supportive to our staff and teachers. Your kind messages and patience with things like curriculum pick up do not unnoticed. We appreciate you! 

There are a couple of events coming up:
1) Dine out at Chipotle on Oct. 7:

2) Dine out at Big Soon Yogurt on Monday, Oct. 12:
Also, don't forget to get your 'Movie Night In' at curriculum pick up on Friday. $20 for a complete, family movie night. It is also available on

Reach out with any questions you may have! 
Have a great week!

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sunday, September 27

 Hello Stoneridge Families! 

October arrives this week.  I don't know about you, but I thought September was a quick month!! 

Update regarding Hybrid/Champions:
I want to let you know we are currently working on creating our AM/PM groups. It will take some time, but we will keep you updated along the way. I am sharing the recent communication from the district to help answer any questions you may have.

PTC Events:
As I mention in my Friday video, we have some PTC Events/Activities coming up. 

Family Movie Night In: Available now.
$20 will get you candy, popcorn and a code for a free movie through RedBox. If you take a picture of your family enjoying the movie and tag #StoneridgeStrong on social media, you will be entered into a raffle. 
Pick one up at material pick any Friday from 8-1pm. 

Comedy Night:
Super Exciting News!!! I think we could all use a good laugh right now! We have partnered with Pink Martini for a comedy night for ONLY Stoneridge parents and staff. These events sell out fast, so get your ticket now! $200 per table, $50 per person, or you can sponsor a couch in VIP seating for $500 that seats 8-10 people. A portion of the proceeds will go to Stoneridge!

Tickets for the comedy event and the Movie Night In package are available at
You will currently find them under Youth Spirit Wear. 

Dine Out Events:
We have two dine out events in October. Remember, Dine Out events are an easy way to feed your family while supporting Stoneridge at the same time. 
October 7th: Dinner is covered at the Chipotle on the corner of Douglas and Sierra. 
October 12th: Get a sweet treat at Big Spoon Yogurt at the Fountains! Mention both Stoneridge and your teacher!! 


The Stoneridge Library is open for indoor access.

Library hours will be Tues, Wed, Thurs, 8:30-2:30. 

Library Information:

  • Browse and check out books. (please limit your time inside so everyone has a chance to enjoy)

  • Tables and chairs will be closed.

  • High touch areas will be regularly sanitized.

  • Returned library books will be quarantined for no less than 3 days to minimize potential spread.

  • Customers are required to wear face coverings per the guidance from the California dept. of Public Health.

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided before entry.

  • Enter thru the front office.

  • Adults must bring their I.D. The office staff will check you into our Raptor Security System.

If you have any questions or need help locating a specific book, please email Mrs. Caines at

Timberwolf TV: Remember to send shout outs to me by Thursday each week and the challenge theme this week is a Cooking Challenge! Can't wait to see all of the cooks we have! 
Thank you for taking the time to send both shout outs and challenges!! We greatly appreciate your support and positive messages.

Have a great week! And, as always, reach out with questions! 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday, September 20

 Happy Sunday Stoneridge Families! 

I don't know about you, but I am excited about the arrival of fall. I look forward to cooler temperatures and hopefully a lot of rain as we roll into winter. 

We have some exciting news! Our library is going to have some open hours starting this week! Keep reading for details! 

Exciting News:

Stoneridge Library will be opening for indoor access starting Tuesday, September 22nd. Library hours will be Tues, Wed, Thurs, 8:30-2:30. 

Library Information:

  • Browse and check out books. (please limit your time inside so everyone has a chance to enjoy)

  • Tables and chairs will be closed.

  • High touch areas will be regularly sanitized.

  • Returned library books will be quarantined for no less than 3 days to minimize potential spread.

  • Customers are required to wear face coverings per the guidance from the California dept. of Public Health.

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided before entry.

  • Enter thru the front office.

  • Adults must bring their I.D. The office staff will check you into our Raptor Security System.

If you have any questions or need help locating a specific book, please email Mrs. Caines at


REMINDER: The last day to purchase insurance for borrowed devices is Friday, September 25th. Click here to purchase the insurance: School Device Coverage

As always, reach out with questions and thank you for your support!