Sunday, August 30, 2020

Sunday, September 30

 Hello Families!! Happy Sunday!

This is just an image to bring you calm as we embark on another week.

Important Request: We understand that participating in distance learning is very different and sometimes difficult. There is one important way we need your support. When the students are taking assessments either with their teacher, or on programs like iReady, it is super important you are not helping them. The goal of these assessments is to gauge exactly where the students are academically so we can support them in the specific ways they need. If we have inaccurate readings, the students will not be appropriately supported. An example of this might be a 4th grade student taking the iReady assessment while getting help from their parent. In the end, the student scores at the 7th grade level even though he is actually at a 4th grade level. What that means is the iReady lessons assigned to that child will be at the 7th grade level, high above the student's ability. That student is likely to feel defeated and not want to keep working. We are not saying, don't help. We are asking that you leave the room if you child is doing a one on one assessment with their teacher and to ask what a child is working on when they ask for help. This will help us support your children. As always, thank you!

PTC: Our PTC was announced last week. We have a great team excited to get to work and are already working on fun ideas for this upcoming year.  Stay tuned for updates and upcoming events. In the meantime, please join the Stoneridge PTC Facebook page and Instagram page. 

Upcoming change: As you saw in the email from our superintendent:

In RCSD, we pride ourselves on seeking feedback and getting better each day.  Based on parent and teacher feedback, your school will modify their daily schedule to mirror their Monday PLC schedule and have a common lunch and recess (elementary only) time across the school site starting on September 8, 2020.  This will reduce the amount of daily screen time for our students and increase our staff's preparation time.  

While the live instruction dismissal time will be earlier, students are to complete assigned independent work before the next school day. Also, with parent permission, some specialized services may be provided after the live instruction dismissal time as needed. 

At Stoneridge, our common recess will be 10:00-10:20 am and lunch from 12-1pm. You can plan on those times. As far as your specific class schedules, you teachers will be sharing that information so you can plan. So far, I have received very positive feedback from many of you and we really appreciate that.

Technology Issues: If you are having technical difficulties with a district Chromebook or if it is not working properly, please fill out this form: RCSD Parent Technology Support

Even if your device is not working, you have to use this link to get support. We cannot replace or exchange devices at Stoneridge. 

Mental Wellness: Remember, this is a tough time for ALL! Students have to attend school from home and parents have to adapt their own schedules to support their children. Know that it is ok to struggle and things are going to go wrong. Give yourself permission to make mistakes. We are all in this together. Please take advantage of this resource: Virtual Calming Room You will also find a link to request support. 

Lunch/Breakfast Available: Don’t forget about our nutritious and delicious meals! district is serving lunch/breakfast combo meal between 11:30 and 1:00 on a daily basis at the following sites: Cirby, Woodbridge, Buljan, Eich, and Crestmont.

If you would like to pick up multiple meals at one time, just ask the food services staff at the lunch site. 

As always, thank you for your positive feedback and continuous support! 

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sunday, August 23

Hello Families! 

Thank you for taking this adventure with us. As you have witnessed, distance learning is getting more familiar each day. 

PTC: I am super excited to share that our new PTC board is officially up and running! I will be introducing them this week. They are so excited to start working with our amazing Stoneridge Community.  

Technology Issues: If you are having technical difficulties with a district Chromebook or if it is not working properly, please fill out this form: RCSD Parent Technology Support

Even if your device is not working, you have to use this link to get support. We cannot replace or exchange devices at Stoneridge. 

Mental Wellness: Remember, this is a tough time for ALL! Students have to attend school from home and parents have to adapt their own schedules to support their children. Know that it is ok to struggle and things are going to go wrong. Give yourself permission to make mistakes. We are all in this together. Please take advantage of this resource: Virtual Calming Room You will also find a link to request support. 

Please see the Notice and Guidelines for Student Participation in Online Instruction 

Roseville City School District (RCSD) knows that not all children and families can engage with live instruction lessons for various reasons.  Live lessons are an important mandate in Senate Bill 98. Therefore, recording live lessons that specifically support instruction is a vital tool to help limit the regression of academic skills for students who have to watch them at night or later on a school day.

Notice and Guidelines for Student Participation in Online Instruction. The document provides information about the use of online learning platforms, recording live lessons, and expectations during distance learning. Please take a moment to read the notice thoroughly.

Thank you again for all of your patience and positivity! We appreciate you!

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Welcome Back: August 16, 2020

Hello Families! 

This is my first blog post of the year. For those families new to Stoneridge, this is our school communication that is shared weekly. 

We made it through our first week of school AND our first curriculum pick up. Thank you to all of you for your positive messages and kind words. Your support is noticed and appreciated. 

A quick reminder that these first two weeks are focused on getting all of the kinks worked out and getting to know each other. The curriculum will be introduced very soon! We can't bypass the important steps of building relationships and setting expectations for each class. 

This is a tough time and if you are finding that you or your child is struggling with mental health, please visit this page. There is a Virtual Calming Room and a request for support: Virtual Calming Room 

Related to Mental Health, we have a new psychologist at Stoneridge. She may be reaching out to you and don't hesitate to reach out to her! Her name is Sierra Grimes and she in not entirely new to Stoneridge. She was an intern at out site the year before last. It is wonderful to have her back! 

This is a little about her:

Hobbies: Playing soccer, hiking, paddleboarding

Favorite Animal: Sloth

I will be at Stoneridge Th, F

Favorite quote: “Every student deserves a great education, not by chance, but by design."

Speaking of curriculum, the students will soon be taking an assessment on the program i-Ready. Many of you are likely familiar with this program. The great thing about this program is that after the assessment, the program will create lessons and practice at each student's level. It is an excellent resource to support student learning. Here are some Fridge Tips for working with i-Ready at home:

PTC: This week, I will be sharing a document for you to vote for our new PTC members. We are excited to get our new team up and running! 

I know this is a lot of information. As always, don't hesitate to reach out with questions.