Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sunday, January 31


Here we leaving January and entering February. It is amazing how time flies. We are almost at the one year mark from that day when we sent the students home from school having no idea what the future would bring. We sure didn't think it would bring what it did, but we have definitely adapted and proved we can do anything. 
We are #stoneridgestrong!

Registration:  Please register your children even if they are returning students. There will be an option for distance learning again next year. Fill out the included survey. Click here to register: '21-'22 Registration 

Conference Week is Feb. 22-26. Kinder will be dismissed at 11:15. Grades 1-5  dismissed at 11:35. Teachers will be sharing sign ups for times.

District Communication:

Upcoming events:
Feb. 1- Dine Out at Chipotle
Feb. 5- Spirit Day: Wear your sports gear!
Feb. 8- No School
Feb. 15- No School

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Sunday, January 24th

Happy Sunday Families! According to the current forecast, it look like there will be rain this week! We better start dancing! Things continue to go really well at school, so you may find me dancing throughout the day. 

Donation Request: As I mentioned in a previous post, we are recognizing one student from each class daily with a small prize. One of the reasons I started doing this was because I had so many things that had accumulated over the years. Well, they went quicker than I thought! Ha! We would really appreciate donations of small, inexpensive prizes for the students. Thank you!

Caregiver Cafe Night: The district is offering a presentation providing techniques to manage stress at home. We all know this is a very stressful time! Please take advantage of this opportunity! There are two presentations.  The presentation in English will be Tuesday, January 26th and the presentation in Spanish will be Thursday, January 28th.  Both presentations will be from 5pm-6pm.  The session will be recorded and shared on our RCSD Learning Site after the presentation and we will also be streaming on the RCSD Facebook page.

English Presentation Information (January 26, 2021):

Zoom Link

Webinar ID: 875 9914 1145

Passcode: 176707

Parent Night Question Form English  

Character Trait this Week: The Character Trait students will be recognized for this coming week is for those showing Kindness Always. 


Monday: The 100th Day of School! Dress like you are 100 years old, or maybe add 100 things to your outfit? We can't wait to see your outfits!

Friday, 1/29: College Gear Day. Wear a college sweatshirt, t-shirt, hat, socks...whatever! 

Monday, 2/1: Dine Out at Chipotle! Yes!! I LOVE Chipotle!

Friday, 2/5: Football gear day! Represent your favorite team! 

Enjoy the rest of your afternoon! 

Sunday, January 17, 2021

January 17, 2021


Happy Sunday Families! Yes, this is a shameless plug for my Packers! The Brooks love this time of year! Especially, when their team is winning! 

Registration: This is also the time of year when registration for next year opens. Please register your children even if they are returning. There will be an option for distance learning again next year. Fill out the included survey. Click here to register: '21-'22 Registration 

Valentinesđź’—: Many of you have asked if we will be doing Valentines this year and we will! Your child's teacher will be sharing the specifics of what and how. Candy and cards are ok! No homemade, baked treats. More information will be shared soon. 

Conference Week is Feb. 22-26. Kinder will be dismissed at 11:15. Grades 1-5  dismissed at 11:35. Teachers will be sharing sign ups for times.

Reminder: Just a quick reminder to be sure to wear your mask when picking up and dropping off your child when you are out of your car. Not only are you our models for the kids, we also want to keep everyone safe and the students at school!

Mark your calendars- Feb. 1: Dine Out at Chipotle!

No School Tomorrow! Enjoy your day!

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Sunday, January 10


Happy Sunday Families! We had a great week back at school. My favorite part was going into every classroom each morning and recognizing students who demonstrated 'problem solving!' Next week, we will be looking for students who 'act responsibly.' Teachers have been using this as an opportunity to talk about what these character traits look like in all areas of school. They are useful in the classroom and on the playground too! 

IMPORTANT: '21/22 Registration is happening NOW! (When I saw 2022, it really hit me. 2022! Can you believe it??) Please fill out the registration online for both new and returning students. 

Click here to register: REGISTRATION

Timberwolf TV Request: Please send me your shout outs!! We need shout outs for Timberwolf TV!! 

Heartwarming video for you: This video has been shared with our amazing staff, but I also wanted to share it with all of you. I couldn't help but think of you as I watched the video. Have a kleenex close by! 

Big News!! This Friday will be CRAZY HAIR DAY!!!! 


Monday, January 18th there is NO SCHOOL for Martin Luther King Day. 

Conference Week is Feb. 22-26. Kinder will be dismissed at 11:15. Grades 1-5  dismissed at 11:35. Teachers will be sharing sign ups for times.

Have a great week! 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Sunday, January 3


Happy New Year Stoneridge Families! I have a really great feeling about this upcoming year. Not because I am happy to have 2020 over with, but because I am thankful for what 2020 taught me. In the year 2020, I learned things I never thought I would, like how to Zoom like a pro and master a YouTube channel! It also forced my family to slow down and appreciate our precious family time. Most importantly, 2020 taught me that I, I mean WE, are strong and can get through anything. It is with that new found confidence I look forward to tackling what this next year may bring. And throughout everything, I know we are ALL in it together! 

We look forward to seeing the children on Tuesday. Please see the message below from the district. If there is a chance your family was exposed over break, don't hesitate to play it safe. 

Happy New Year to all our RCSD families,


We hope you had a wonderful holiday break and remained safe and healthy.


As we prepare to return to school on January 5, 2021, we want to ensure we are doing everything we can to bring students and staff back to a healthy campus environment. If your child has been exposed to a COVID-19 positive person or received a positive COVID-19 test result themself, please keep them home and report the absence using this link to the RCSD Student Online Absence Reporting Form. See below for more reporting and absence scenarios developed with Placer County Public Health Department to keep our schools open. 


We look forward to seeing you soon,


The Roseville City School District


Please report the following scenarios on the RCSD Student Online Absence Reporting Form, keep your child home, and await a call from the RCSD COVID-19 Tracing Team. 



Absence to be reported

Child tested positive for COVID-19.

Absent for at least 10 days past the test collection date.

Child lives with or was exposed to a person positive with COVID-19.

Absent for at least 14 days past the last exposure to the positive person.

Child has any COVID-19 related symptoms.

Absent for at least 10 days past symptom onset with significant improvement. 




Absent for at least 72 hours with a negative COVID-19 test result, improved symptoms, and no fever or use of fever-reducing medication. 


Here's to a great new year! As always, please reach out with any questions. 

See you Tuesday!