Sunday, August 29, 2021

Hello Families! Below is the message I sent to staff today and thought it would be fun to include you in our challenge. I also challenge you and your child to tell your teacher something you appreciate about them. We have been in school a month and a positive message would go a long way! 

September arrives this week and I think it is such a tease! In our dreams, September brings leaves changing color, crisp cool air and maybe even a drop of rain. However, our reality brings 100 degree weather, terrible air quality and zero drops of rain! Well, this calls for some lemonade! Let's focus on sharing something positive with one another this month. Before we say something that isn't great, can you share something that is great? Let me know if you accept the Stoneridge September Challenge! 

Snowie King will officially be parked in front of the office on Mondays after school. Buy a snow cone and beat the heat! Snowie King does give 20% of proceeds back to the school. 

IMPORTANT~Ice Cream Social: Our date for the Ice Cream Social is up in the air right now. Please be patient as we determine the date! We will let you know this week!


Every Monday is a PLC/Minimum day with early release at 1:52pm. 

Next weekend is Labor Day Weekend. No School on Monday, Sept. 6th. 

Stoneridge Gear: We are ordering more Stoneridge gear in addition to creating some new things. We will be having a pop up shop in front of the office when everything comes in. I will be sure to let you know when it is happening! 

Have a week filled with the things that bring you joy!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Sunday, August 22nd


Good Afternoon! I used this picture for my staff too. How can you not smile?? We are going into the 3rd full week of school and I think we are all getting back into the routine. Things are great! 

Volunteers Needed: Watch for emails asking for help with our first event of the year, The Ice Cream Social. 

Your teachers will also be asking for volunteers for Art Docents. This is a wonderful program that we just got word we can bring back! Ideally, we will have two volunteers per class. 

We would also love to bring back Science Docents. This is another opportunity for you to help out! Be on the lookout for more information. 

Mark Your Calendars: We will have an Ice Cream Social on Friday, September 17 from 5:30-7:30. It is going to be a casual, fun, community event! We are so excited!

Spirit Day the Friday: Kids, wear your Stoneridge Gear this Friday. If you don't have any yet, you can order on or wear navy and/or burgundy. 

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Sunday, August 15th


Another wonderful week at Stoneridge. Everyone is definitely getting into the routine. We are diving into learning and enjoying every minute!

First and Foremost, a HUGE thank you to our PTC members that have been covering traffic duty before and after school. This was a priceless gift given to our teachers to start the school year. Please reach out if you are interested in joining this amazing group of people. 

We introduce our members:

A few important reminders: 

If you think someone in your family may have been exposed to COVID or someone is sick, please keep your children home. The only way we will keep everyone at school is by being vigilant. 

At drop off and pick up, please keep moving forward and do not get out of your car. I know you may think this sounds silly, but it is not safe and it has a huge impact on the flow of traffic. 

Please sign and return the Annual Family Notice. This came home with your child. You just need to sign and return it. Thank you!

Fill out the Meal Application: The name is deceiving. It actually has nothing to do with purchasing lunch, it provides important information for out district. 

Employment Opportunity:

If you are interested in working from 12-1pm each day, we have opening for Meal Duty Supervisors. Please let me know if you are interested. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! See you Monday!

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Sunday, August 8

Happy Sunday Families! The first two days were wonderful and we expect more of the same this week. Each day, the kids get a little more comfortable and the routines become familiar. Again, thank you for all of your positivity! I say it all the time, but we have the BEST community! 

A couple reminders: Please remind your students that breakfast is available when the gates open at 8:35am. They are welcome to go to the MP for breakfast. 

Lunch time goes quickly. It takes the kids a little bit to get in the groove. You can help by sending them with snacks to eat at recess. They do get the hang of it, I promise! 

IMPORTANT!!! Tomorrow, Monday, is a PLC/Minimum day. Kids get out at 1:52pm. Please don't forget. 

Exciting news! Snowie King will be in front of school on Mondays after school starting next Monday, August 16. 

That is all I have for now! Have a great week!

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Welcome Back!


Welcome back, Stoneridge!! What an exciting time! We cannot wait to have the kids back on campus! 

As promised, this is where you will find all of the things I talked about in the video. Usually, the video is send out Friday afternoon and the blog on Sunday afternoon. (I think I even said that in the video) I waited to send both today because there has been so much information coming from the district! 

Back To School Night Information and Guidelines

August 3rd is also National Night Out! Our Stoneridge Neighborhood is hosting a big event! (This is not associated with Stoneridge Elementary.)

Annual Family Notice:

The 2021-22 Annual Family Notice is now posted on the district website.  Please see the information below.

Annual Family Notice
This document is on the website site (Click Menu, listed under Student & Parent Resources).    Or Click Here: Annual Family Notice

Documents included:
    • Google - G Suite for Education
    • RCSD Mobile Device Agreement
    • Student Accident Insurance Letter
    • Parent/School Compact
    • ELPAC Annual Parent Notice
    • Food Services Welcome Back Letter - Online application, all families to fill out
Free meal application, all families are to fill this out.  There is a link on the document.
Yearly housing & Student Internet Agreement is included in the online registration.

Meal Application: Please fill out this Meal Application to provide important information that supports our district. This information is kept private. EZMealApp 

District Communication: 
See the links below for the information emailed to you by the Roseville City School District

School Hours: Please click here for the Stoneridge Bell Schedule
Each day the gates will open at 8:35. Instruction begins at 8:50am and ends at 3:10pm.

Again, we can hardly wait to see the kids on Thursday! It is the best when their smiling faces are filling our classrooms! 

See you Thursday!!