Sunday, November 28, 2021

Sunday, November 28


It is official, the holiday season is in full swing! No matter what holiday you celebrate, remind yourself to take the time to soak in the moments rather than rush through the season. This is a season full of magic for our children and it goes by so fast. Don't forget to take care of yourself along the way and to find your own magic in the season. 

Our PTC Facebook page is all revamped and ready to go. They will be sharing updates about upcoming events and announcements. Please follow us:

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale: Our Black Friday Sale/Cyber Monday is happening!!! Buy a new dri-fit hoodie sweatshirt ($50) and get a bunch of goodies for free- including a dri-fit t-shirt. While supplies last, so act fast!

PTC Community Meeting:
We have been working hard to get our PTC up and running! We would love to have you join our first community meeting of the year via Zoom. See below for the details. 

Stoneridge PTC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: PTC meeting with teachers & parents
Time: Dec 14, 2021 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 0820 6282
Passcode: D3rmDS

We have exciting news to share with all our Timberwolf Families!!!

We attended the Light the Night Walk on November 6, to show support for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.!  Thank you to all the families who walked with us! 
Speaking of support, Timberwolves, we have raised $2,780.00 for LLS!  That is 185% or our original goal of $1,500.00.  Keep up the good work all year long!

Saturday, November 13 took us to the Sacramento Blue Star Moms Care Packaging Event for our military serving all over the world.  We took all those wonderful notes and cards you made to show our appreciation for our brave soldiers!  Thank you students for the cards, and the families who participated in packing boxes! 

We hope you had a warm and happy Thanksgiving!
Mrs. Wallace and Stoneridge Student Leadership Club
"We are the change!"

We can't wait to see you tomorrow!! 

Sunday, November 14, 2021

 'Tis the season for focusing on what we are thankful for. I really do my best to take the time to pause and reflect on the many things I am thankful for throughout the entire year. Regardless, it is a great time to be thankful!! On that note, I am thankful for all of you! We have our luncheon spots all covered and almost all of the parking lot spots covered. Thank you so much for your generosity!! 

Here is the link to sign up to help with parking lot and cross walk. There are just a few open spots:
Parking Lot Help- Conference Week

Our PTC Facebook page is all revamped and ready to go. They will be sharing updates about upcoming events and announcements. Please follow us:

Black Friday Sale: Our Black Friday Sale starts NOW!!! Buy a new dri-fit hoodie sweatshirt ($50) and get a bunch of goodies for free: including a dri-fit t-shirt. While supplies last, so act fast!

SCHEDULE CHANGE!!! Remember, this week is conference week! Children are excused everyday at 12:30pm. Send a snack, or lunch, for them to eat during our lunch time and arrange for the early pick up. 

Next week is Thanksgiving Week, so NO school. I cannot believe it is here already!

Enjoy your afternoon! See you tomorrow. 

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Sunday, November 7

Happy Sunday Families! I think the highlight of last week was the unexpected fire drill! Many of the kids were surprised, nervous and scared, but it was a good experience for everyone. This was the first fire drill we have had in probably 2 years and the alarms are LOUD. It was not expected which added another element. All I have to say is that I am very proud of our students and teachers. They were out of the classrooms and lined up quietly in no time. 

Sports Camp: Another group of Eich students would like to provide a sports camp for some of our students after school. See the message below and fill out the interest form.  

We quickly realized that we are all student athletes. Being athletes, we understand how expensive training and facilities can be. Not only that, but we want to create a positive environment for younger kids. We would like to host a volleyball-basketball camp for elementary students. Please fill out this form so we can get an idea of interest level. 

Sports Camp Interest Form


No School this Thursday, November 11! We DO have school on Friday, November 12.

Conference Week: Conference week is November 15-19. Students are released at 12:30 every day. 

Thanskgiving Break: No School November 22-26. 

Have a great week!