Sunday, March 26, 2023

Sunday, March 26


I shared this with our teachers and thought I would share you all you, as well. This is a good reminder for each of us. I know I often find myself thinking 'I will be happy when...' and then I reach that and think 'I will be happy when...' As soon as I realize I am doing this, I remind myself to stop the cycle and to be happy NOW! One of the things that helps me with this is a gratitude journal. Unfortunately, that is one of the first things that gets neglected when I get busy. Quite frankly, that should be my priority because it really shifts my thinking to look for the positive in every situation. Which leads to another of my flaws. I tell myself I can't possibly start now, I have to wait until the right day. I wait until a Monday, the first of the month, or the first of the year. Do you do that too? You convince yourself a new start needs to align with some other 'start.' Bologna! Do those things now! Enjoy the good right now and restart something you have let go, NOW!! 

Speaking of thankful, a quick update on my dad. He is being released from the hospital today. This whole ordeal he has been through has been unbelievable from beginning to end. The onset was as incredible as the recovery. There were a few days where we did not think he was going to make it, but he is going to be OK. We are so thankful. And thank you to all of you for your positive thoughts and kind messages. 

Spring Break: Next week is Spring Break. Yay!! I wanted to point out the students do not return to school until Wednesday, 4/12. It is a little unusual this year. Spring Break is from 4/3-4/11. 
Have a wonderful break!

Weekly Attendance Message: The school day begins at 7:40am and the expectation is that students are at their classroom door at 7:40am. This is why gates close at 7:40am. Our day does start early, but we do not have any say in our start time. We simply have to adapt and make it work. As a school, we do not adjust our tardy policy or our expectations because the day starts early. 
In case you don't know why our start times are so much earlier this year, it is because about 4 years ago, the state passed Senate Bill 328 which says that high schools must push their start time back to 8:30am. The bill is focused on high school students, but it does affect our elementary and middle school students because we rely on the high school buses. The elementary students must be at school before they start the high school bus routes. I share this background info because the start time is not going to change anytime soon. We just have to embrace it and adjust the time we wake up in the morning. Please know it is as difficult on the teachers and staff as it is on all of you. 

Art To Remember: Stoneridge is participating in a unique fundraising program with Art to Remember that gives you the opportunity to purchase keepsake 
items with your child's artwork on them. The best part is that every keepsake order supports our school. The order forms went home last week and the deadline to order is Sunday, April 2nd.
Just head to and search for your child’s name, enter their online order code, or upload artwork from home and start shopping!

Skate Night!! We will see you at Skate Night this Wednesday, 2/29, from 5:30-7:30pm. Pizza will be available to purchase by the slice at the event. Pizza is $2 per slice and you can pay by cask or Venmo. Thank you!

Open PTC Board Positions
2023-24 PTC Board Members Voted in at the April PTC meeting, April 13th at 2:30
There's been a parent volunteer submit for Treasurer so we need a President and Secretary. Please reach out to PTC at if you have questions about positions and time commitment.

Science Docents Needed:
 Do you have an interest in science? Do you like working with kids? We are lucky to be the only school in the district with Science Docents and need a volunteer to keep in going!  We need another science docent for the upcoming school year. Ideally, this person will start working with our science docents now to get oriented. Please email me if you are interested. 

Order Yearbooks NOW!! 
Go to
School Name: Stoneridge Elementary School
ID Code: 12183823
Deadline: April 14, 2023

School Supplies: Purchase your school supplies now! Simply click on your child's grade level next year and purchase a supply pack. It will be delivered to the school and we will get it where it needs to be. No need to hassle with crowds or stores. You will find they are reasonably priced too! 

Have a great week, Stoneridge!

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Sunday, March 19


Happy Sunday! Just sharing a reminder to hug the ones you love. My father is sick, and I feel fortunate that I have always let him know how much I love him and appreciate him. It was sudden and very unexpected. The reason I am sharing this is because I was out a lot last week and will continue to be out intermittently to be with him and my mom. He looks to be making progress which is wonderful, but I want to be there as much as I can. I am so lucky to be surrounded by amazing people who have stepped in and made it easy for me to be away. 

Thank you all for coming to Open House. It was great to see all of you and to see the excited faces on the kids They were so proud to show off their work and the space where they learn each day. 

School Supplies: Purchase your school supplies now! Simply click on your child's grade level next year and purchase a supply pack. It will be delivered to the school and we will get it where it needs to be. No need to hassle with crowds or stores. You will find they are reasonably priced too! 

Science Docents Needed:
 Do you have an interest in science? Do you like working with kids? We are lucky to be the only school in the district with Science Docents and need a volunteer to keep in going!  We need another science docent for the upcoming school year. Ideally, this person will start working with our science docents now to get oriented. Please email me if you are interested. 

Order Yearbooks NOW!! 
Go to
School Name: Stoneridge Elementary School
ID Code: 12183823
Deadline: April 14, 2023

Dear Stoneridge Parents:

The Stoneridge PTC will be accepting applications for our Board for the 2023-2024 school year. This is a great way to get involved with the school and meet new people! The PTC coordinates all of the fun activities we do throughout the year here at Stoneridge as well as provides additional support for our amazing staff! This year we have

several Board Members who are graduating out of Stoneridge and so this means there are several open positions available.   Below you will find all of the open positions with a brief description and decide which one you’d be interested in doing. Feel free to reach out to me or any participating PTC representative with any questions that you may have. 


Applications are due by April 1, 2023. You can either drop them off at the office or have your child give it to their teacher. We will vote on new Board Members at our PTC meeting on April 20th, which will allow for a full month of transition with our outgoing Board before this school year wraps up. We encourage you to really consider joining our PTC and we'd love to have you on board!

Have a great week!

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Sunday, March 12


Happy Rainy Day! It looks like it will be another wet week. We are hoping it is dry for our Open House this Wednesday. I have been watching the forecast and believe we will be fine! Actually, I know we will be fine: Rain or shine, your child's classroom will be open and I know they are excited to show off all of the things they have been doing this year. There are so many fun things to see! It is also a big night for the teachers as they have been working so hard with the students and they are just as excited as you are about the night. 

Reminder: No School Tomorrow. The teachers will be busy learning, so the students have the day off. Have a great day!

Open House: We look forward to seeing you this Wednesday, 3/15, from 5-6pm. It is very casual, just come and walk through your child's classroom when you can. Many classes have things like scavenger hunts you can do as a family. 2nd Grade Parents: If your child is in second grade, try to be there with your child at 5pm. They have a special treat planned. 

Absence Reminder: Please let the office know if your child is absent. Some of you have been great about letting your child's teacher know but the office needs to know, as well. If the office doesn't hear about it soon enough, you will get an absence call. Always let the office know why your child is absent. Just call and let us know if they are sick, out of town, at an appointment, etc. You taking the time to let us know makes a world of difference! Thank you! 

Lost and Found Reminder: There is a large pile of lost and found clothes, water bottles, etc. If it is not raining, we will hang it out during open house. If it is raining, it will be in the front office or MP. Come take a look through the pile this week. We will be donating the items next week. 

School Supplies: Purchase your school supplies now! Simply click on your child's grade level next year and purchase a supply pack. It will be delivered to the school and we will get it where it needs to be. No need to hassle with crowds or stores. You will find they are reasonably priced too! 

Science Docents Needed:
 Do you have an interest in science? Do you like working with kids? We are lucky to be the only school in the district with Science Docents and need a volunteer to keep in going!  We need another science docent for the upcoming school year. Ideally, this person will start working with our science docents now to get oriented. Please email me if you are interested. 

Order Yearbooks NOW!! 
Go to
School Name: Stoneridge Elementary School
ID Code: 12183823
Deadline: April 14, 2023

Dear Stoneridge Parents:

The Stoneridge PTC will be accepting applications for our Board for the 2023-2024 school year. This is a great way to get involved with the school and meet new people! The PTC coordinates all of the fun activities we do throughout the year here at Stoneridge as well as provides additional support for our amazing staff! This year we have

several Board Members who are graduating out of Stoneridge and so this means there are several open positions available.   Below you will find all of the open positions with a brief description and decide which one you’d be interested in doing. Feel free to reach out to me or any participating PTC representative with any questions that you may have. 


Applications are due by April 1, 2023. You can either drop them off at the office or have your child give it to their teacher. We will vote on new Board Members at our PTC meeting on April 20th, which will allow for a full month of transition with our outgoing Board before this school year wraps up. We encourage you to really consider joining our PTC and we'd love to have you on board!

Have a Great Week!

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Sunday, March 6


This is what my family's spring schedule looks like. Can you relate? It is quite a process figuring out how we will get our kids where they need to be, who we will be able to watch play and when we will ever eat a relaxing dinner again. Ha! I have to admit that I love every minute, but man, it keeps us moving!

Spring Book Fair:  This week is the Spring Book Fair. Yay! Your child was able to preview the book fair and choose some of their favorite books. Talk with them and set a budget. They will be going during their usual library time slot. It is also open after school until 3pm Monday-Thursday. Here is the volunteer schedule in case you haven't had the chance to sign up. We have a few open spots.
Spring Book Fair Volunteer Sign Up

School Supplies: Purchase your school supplies now! Simply click on your child's grade level next year and purchase a supply pack. It will be delivered to the school and we will get it where it needs to be. No need to hassle with crowds or stores. You will find they are reasonably priced too! 

Science Docents Needed:
 Do you have an interest in science? Do you like working with kids? We are lucky to be the only school in the district with Science Docents and need a volunteer to keep in going!  We need another science docent for the upcoming school year. Ideally, this person will start working with our science docents now to get oriented. Please email me if you are interested. 

Order Yearbooks NOW!! 
Go to
School Name: Stoneridge Elementary School
ID Code: 12183823
Deadline: April 14, 2023
PTC Meeting: Thursday, March 9 from 2:30-3:30. Childcare provided! We would love to have you there!

PTC News: Happy  March!
Volunteers needed ~ Next year Board Member Positions & Carnival. See attatched form. 
Thank you  -  PTC

Planning is underway - May 12th 5:30-7:30pm
We can't stress the need for volunteers specifically leads for the following:
-Volunteer Coordinator
-Carnival day: work stations/booths/wristband sales/etc.
Email to get involved. 

March Yard Duty/Cafeteria Help

Have a great week!!