This is an exciting time of year but it can also a scary time. Emotions are high as students leave those they love and the routines they have come to know. Summer is exciting and fun, but it also leads to the next year of unknowns. All of these things are completely normal. We all know change is hard. I wanted to share it again in case you are seeing some different behaviors in your child.
Field Day Thank you! We cannot thank you enough for volunteering to help with field day! It was absolutely amazing. The kids were smiling and squealing the entire time. And a HUGE thank you to Christi Robertson and Beth Eldridge. They put in so much time to make this event seamless. I have to say, I thought this year was smooth as could be!
Yearbook Signing Party: The yearbook signing party is Wednesday from 8-9am. During this time, the kids spread out in the quad and get their friends to sign their yearbook. They also get to have all of the teachers sign their yearbook too. It is such a fun event!
Lunch Help! We would love to have you help at lunch. The kids love having you and you make such a difference! There are only a few days left and it is ok if you have never done it before.
Message from the Stoneridge Neighborhood Association: The Stoneridge Neighborhood Association and the Roseville Parks, Recreation and Library Department are working together to offer recreation programs in our neighborhood for the first time. Please help us out by completing the very quick survey by clicking on the link below: