Friday, April 6, 2018

April 6 #carnival #CAASPPtesting

CAASPP Testing May 1-25
Stoneridge students in grades 3-5 will be taking the statewide achievement test (CAASPP)
during the month of May. This test is given each year to gather data around the growth and achievement of our students in Language Arts, Math, and Science in grade 5. It is also a great opportunity to discover areas of strength and growth in our instructional practices school-wide. This year, all students will be testing in the morning and we will have grade levels testing in a staggered schedule throughout the month. Thank you for making sure your child is at school and on time each day and for encouraging them to do their best and show what they know! Most students will finish the testing in a week or less. For more information, please read the letter here from our district office sent out earlier this year. We have much to celebrate and know each student will do their best!

Name our next new school! F-71
It's time to name the new school! Click the link to see all of the details about the process for naming the next Roseville City School District elementary school currently slated for West Roseville. Names must be submitted by May 18, 2018.

PE Update
PLEASE join your child in the FAMILY PE Challenge. Ask your child about it and watch for their log sheet to arrive home soon. Together log miles during the month of April to add up to the marathon distance (26.2 miles). It can be any aerobic activity...walk, bike, skate, hike, swim...even count the distances covered in any sports game. Approximate distances will be add them up.

Completing the PE challenge will earn your child a 26.2 Mileage Club Charm and a chance to be in a drawing to win “PE” teacher for a morning or afternoon. For more information go to the PE webpage and click on the tab “Challenges” for more details:
Timed results for the 1/2 mile run (2nd & 3rd) AND the mile run (4th & 5th) for March are posted on the PE webpage.
Also posted, is the updated information on the 5th grade Healthy Fitness Zones (HFZ) for the fitness testing.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Kloczko

Dates & Details
Link to open this document directly  **links will only work by clicking the doc here. You can see them in the embedded doc, but they don't open for some reason I can't figure out.**

Ongoing Information 


Have you ordered your yearbook yet? The code is shown in image and paper flyers were sent home.

Stoneridge Shop
If you are new to Stoneridge, or a returning parent, I'd like to share the link to our Stoneridge Shop! Stoneridge Shop is a one stop shop to donate, purchase spirit wear, request the birthday board, and sign up for our before and after school enrichment sessions. You can find all this and more at . You will want to bookmark this link. 
For families new to Stoneridge, we have several spirit days to participate in. Every Friday is Stoneridge spirit day and you can wear spirit wear or school colors! Every Monday is House Day and students wear their house colors. 

Community Flyers


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