Sunday, October 17, 2021

Sunday, October 17


Happy Sunday! I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend! There is a chance of rain next week. At Stoneridge, we really love rain but we really love it when it rains at night and the sun shines during the day. So, if you could send those vibes, we would be very appreciative!😊Of course, we take rain whenever it comes and hope for a lot! 

Reminder: Earthquake drill on Friday. It would be helpful for you to have a conversation with your children to preview what is coming. Hopefully, they will be less nervous about it. 

Birthday Board: The Birthday Board is back!! Yay!! The marquee on Alexandra is to announce student birthdays. If you would like to have your child's name on the board, go to and purchase the birthday board! 

Birthday Reminder: Please do not bring food for the class to celebrate your child. Goody bags are fine!

Girls on the Run: RECRUITING VOLUNTEERS! We're looking for coaches to lead the Stoneridge Girls on the Run (GOTR) Team. GOTR is a 8-week  social-emotional learning after-school program for girls in 3rd - 5th grades, that runs mid-February through mid-May.  It meets twice a week after school for 90 minutes. Coaches are provided training and a research-based curriculum that weaves together physical activity and lessons on self-empowerment and confidence boosting. It teaches girls to take care of themselves, their friends and their community. In addition to the lessons and a community service project, the program culminates in a celebratory 5K at the end of the season. You don't have to be a runner to coach! If interested, please contact Jen Speak at for more details.

Snowie King will be out in front for a few more Mondays. Take advantage and enjoy a treat!

Have a great week!

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