Sunday, September 11, 2022

Sunday, September 11


Today is September 11th, a day I know I will never forget. It was my first year of teaching and such a tough day to navigate with students. What I remember most was simply waiting. I was on a run, listening to the radio, when the first plane hit and everyone was wondering what the heck happened. Then, another plane hit. And then, we waited. We waited as they put the pieces together and we waited for people to be rescued. It was a long time before we really understood what happened, but on that day, our world changed forever. It is interesting to try to help our own children understand this event as it is simply part of history. But we experienced it and its magnitude, first hand. Although, our children were not alive during this event, they have definitely lived through their fair share of life-changing events. My only advice is to talk about things, write things down and keep a journal. Our kids have experienced a lot! 

Speaking of events, we had quite a week at Stoneridge. The kids were inside for a lot of the week due to extreme heat and poor air quality. Then, on Friday morning, we had an unexpected visitor in front of the school. Through it all, you were wonderful, supportive and understanding. Thank you! I have high hopes for this week, but I know better. I will wait and see what each day brings and adjust accordingly.

Star Nova Session 1- CANCELED: Our first round of Star Nova after school enrichment has been canceled due to low enrollment. Please sign up early to get on the list for future sessions. 

Girls on the Run: We need some volunteers to help lead Girls on the Run. There is a fall program that we would love to be a part of. This is an amazing program that really empowers our female students. It is for students grades 3-5. Please let me know if you are interested!

Jog-A-Thon: It is is coming...the event of the year... The Stoneridge Jog A Thon! Lace up your shoes and start stretching now. We are so excited to bring this event back and we want to do it is a BIG way! Of course, we cannot do this without you. Be on the look out from an email from 99 Pledges to set up your donation page. ALL money comes back to Stoneridge! Every penny!! Please reach out if you can help with some of the organization and preparation. We could really use some extra hands. Thank You!
Please check out our PTC website for information: Jog A Thon

PTC Wants Your Feedback!!! Please fill out this survey to share your opinion about what you would like to see from the PTC:  FALL PTC Survey

PTC Tip of the week Stoneridge has a birthday board!
Display your student(s) name on the birthday board on Alexandra Street side of school.
The board is updated each Thursday. Click here to purchase for the birthday shout out.

Events this week:
Wednesday, 9/14: Dine Out at Chipotle on Douglas from 5-8pm - CODE: CJ34QCL
Friday, 9/16: Coffee with the Principal after morning drop off, around 7:50am. 

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