Sunday, September 18, 2022

Sunday, September 18

Hello Families! It was a great week and I cannot believe the rain today! The theme for the next two weeks is going to be the Jog A Thon. We would love to increase our percentage of participation. Currently, 35% of Stoneridge students have sent out information about the Jog a Thon. We would love to double that number this week. 

Lunch Duty Volunteers: We continue to need your help at lunch. We love having your here as much as your child does!! Please sign up here: Lunch Duty Volunteers Please visit or all the information you are looking for. There are things to buy, ways to volunteer and Q and A's about upcoming events. Please check it out!:

Drop off and Pick Up: Hello Families, our parking lot has some room for improvement. We have had all teachers out front in order to help you understand the rules of drop off and pick up. Please see the following guidelines:

Parking Lot:

We have been experiencing a lot of issues in our parking lot this year so we just wanted to go over a couple of rules for those that are new or maybe just don’t know.

  • Please make sure adults and children are ALWAYS using crosswalks. Often cars are being waved along and if people are darting in and out of cars they can be struck. We have had too many close calls already this year with children as well as adults.

  • If you are driving up, please make sure you continue to pull all the way up so the line does not back up. For pickup, children ARE NOT allowed to get into cars until the car has entered the yellow curb zone. 

  • You cannot park and exit your vehicle AT ANY TIME in the drop off lane. If your child is unable to enter or exit the vehicle without your assistance, you need to find a parking spot and help them exit.

  • Please make sure you are following the arrows on the ground on school property. You are NOT allowed to enter the parking lot and then turn right and pull up in front of the office/front gates. If your child wants to enter through these gates, you need to park your car in a parking space or on the street and then they can walk up using the crosswalks. 

  • Please DO NOT move any cones that are blocking parts of the parking lot. There should be no cars driving in front of the office, which is why there are cones blocking this area. 

  • Gates open at 7:30 in the morning and remain open until 7:40. ALL gates are closed at 7:40am. If your child comes to school ANY time after 7:40, they will need to enter through the office.

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